after thinking about that for awhile, I can honestly say I'm unable to have patience with people . I don't know if that makes me smart or not.WarmWaterDiver:I thought you in fact TOLD us all to have fun . . . and I'm not drinking still!!! Just popping on here off & on while fixing & eating supper. Just finished dessert - with neither blackboard nor spreadsheet required . . .
My hemoglobin 'does its thing' regardless of an algorithm, and I've never met someone before who needed one to brush their teeth -
So if you're one of these smart people, what do you find yourself that's really simple you're unable to do?? Share with the class from your experience now - you're the one who put it in writing (or at least electrons) . . .
But I do know I have to tuck in my children, have a good evening warmwaterdiver