Heat Miser
Fundies will show you how to improve your buoyancy skills, however the team aspect is very very important. I'm pretty certain solo does not compute in GUE.I would be taking it; not so much as, for the team, I prefer to solo; but rather to improve my skills, primarily finning and buoyancy control.
When you see GUE divers work together, they all have a standardised set-up, dive the same profile on standard gases, with a common objective, there doesn't appear to be any I in GUE
Even if you are not fully sold on GUE's kool-aid and you have your disagreements, express them as respectful questions in hopes you will get a reasonable examplanation. That worked for me 100% of the time. If not, just be patient on these 4 days and then you can choose by yourself. You are not there to deconvert the GUE instructor or to simply debate the philosophy. If you that's your goal you simply will make everybody angry and waste valuable time. Also the GUE instructors are evaluating you on how accepting you are of the GUE principles. You could be the best diver in the world in the water, and still they might be forced to fail you if you show them repeatedly that you don't value the GUE philosophy. "I think I might start smoking and getting wasted before every dive after GUE-F", "I don't get why people dive in teams. Solo diving is the way. I can't wait to show me how to fix my trim", "Everybody for themselves when **** hits the fan. You are OOA, well you had better check your spg more often", "I dive for 15 years and I know that X is better", are all reasons for an instructor to fail you.
The above is something I probably didn't appreciate until after I had enrolled in fundies, but concur with it wholeheartedly. I only got a provisional and then COVID-19 got in the way, because Australia put up border restrictions between states, but I can say that after the course there was a noticeable change in my gear setup, the way I plan dives, think about gases mixes, calculate turn pressures and generally try and improve my situational awareness on dives.
Fundies is going to improve your diving, in my case I was negatively buoyant and using my hands to do a lot of finning. My RMV (SAC rate) has come down from 24 litres per min to 18 litres per min, and I can get it down to 15 when highly relaxed. That's not 3,000 dive level SAC rate, but I accept that I'm a gas guzzler and now use it to my advantage pushing gas through my loop on my rebreather.
Personally, I wish I had watched the Gue.tv website before hand and practiced some of the drills in a wing. Also it's easier in gear your comfortable with, I rented gear and ended up in a double wing on a single tank setup. Most importantly, make certain you have a set of Jet-Fins (or Jet-Fin like fins). I had a set of TUSA's good for the Maldives not so good for Back-Kicking and Helicopter Turns.
The pace over 4 days is fast and there is not a lot of time to repeat things you don't get straight away.