The point is, fundies is strict in config during the class. Outside the class you're free to do whatever you like, there's no Scuba police. For me, fundies made me a much better allround diver and pushed my boundaries a lot. That's what fundies is all about for me, not the rules and gear.
Instructors are likely to get dropped by GUE for not being a role model. This includes personal diving - and extends beyond GUE. But that is between the instructor and their supervisors nothing student's need to worry about. Although more agencies should take GUE's lead here and remove poor instructors who can't follow standards or are poor role models for fitness, health, cave conservation, agency practices, etc. One of the worst examples was a North FL cave instructor who retained teaching status after a cocaine trafficking conviction. Sure he did his time but ughhh. Of course, there was another instructor with a robbery conviction, implicated in the death of students, who is now looking at 5 years in jail for selling CCRs to potential terrorists.... So it's a slippery judgement slope on the part of any agency on who to retain vs who to drop from the roles and for what behavior.
I think it depends on where you dive and which GUE instructors and/or divers also dive there.
In 2018 I was joining a gue project. The project was finished. Next day we were doing a fun dive (baron Gautsch, depth 28 - 40 meter). We were in a group of divers and were discussing our planning. I was tech 1 and cave 2 and told a buddy that I want to dive with D12 with 30/30, bottom stage 30/30 and oxygen stage for deco. There was also a GUE instructor in the group who wasn't diving with us next day and he told me that it was a tech 2 dive and that I was not allowed to do that dive. I told him that it was a cave 2 dive because I was going to enter the wreck, and that I was allowed to carry a bottom and deco stage as a cave 2 diver.

In 2019 I did CCR 1. After my class I did start diving in the Netherlands with my JJ. There was a gue instructor asking my buddy if I was trained for the JJ. Maybe he was just interested or maybe was acting like scubapolice, I don't know. But I was already gue ccr 1 certified.

In 2020 I went to a divesite with my gue JJ. I was there without a buddy. Short after me a gue instructor arrived. He was diving OC. His buddy also arrived, he was a gue ccr1 diving and was diving his jj. I did bring my camera during that dive. I was diving with both of them. AFter that dive I did sent photos to both of them which I did make during the dive with them. A couple of days later my ccr 1 instructor did contact me. They asked him to contact me for about solodiving in the Netherlands. The gue instructor who I did meet at the divesite did complain about me.
When a gue cave 1 diver is posting a photo at facebook which is made in or near a cave with a dpv, sidemount tanks or a stage there will probably will be a comment of a gue instructor at his facebook post. (When he/she is friends at facebook and/or did training with instructors which name I will not write down here). That did happen a lot of times last years. Even if gear at the photo was somebody else his/her gear who wasn't even in his/her team.
I can guarantee that if you're doing here a lot of things which aren't allowed by gue that some day a gue instructor will contact you because of the things you're doing. (At least if you dive at certain divesites and/or if you are friends with gue instructors which name I don't write down here) at facebook. )
That doesn't mean I don't like gue training. I didn't regret fundamentals, cave 1, tech 1, cave 2 and ccr 1.