Just so that you know, usually GUE instructors will let you repeat things that you already show you can do, even several times. In the end:It might be, I just know that I had to repeat V-drill more than I should due to that.
- if things are straightforward for you, it doesn't cost you anything, and it's good to practice to maintain a high level of skills;
- if things aren't that easy, it's good to practice even more.
Why do I mention it? Because during ANY GUE course, you have to repeat the V-drill way more often than you **need/should**, with or without the "right-hand" problem. This is the way to reach proficiency. And, trust me, you want to do the V-drill without even thinking about it before entering an overhead environment because you need to check the valves any time you hit something, which unfortunately does happen sometimes.
I have seen only a couple of threads on Reddit about GUE, and most of them were rather honest; maybe could you send me some links, even in private, to avoid too much spam.You were... or at least I was extremely unlucky. Feel free to check the reddit/scuba and you can see all the toxicity everytime GUE is mentioned. I wouldn't mind sharing with you some LDS that you will have a bad time if they found out you are trained by GUE.![]()
What you describe is true. But I do not see it as an issue. Actually, I am happy to know if I am ready to take a course or not. Indeed, these courses are rather expensive in terms of time, money and mental effort. So I am happy to hear from instructors feedback about my level.So in this point I had in mind mostly old instructors and GUE divers, or new instructors that the want to level up in the "hierarchy". My experience during the class, although not explicity said is that GUE really tries to enforce philosophy and have each diver policing each other. During my class I had the instructor who knew my buddy (C1) that pushed me towards GUE, asking tricky questions to see if he was always doing things right, and it was clear that if he did, either they would shout at him to make sure he is more careful or he might have issues in his C2 class.
At one of my dives with one of the most big instructors at GUE during the briefing he made the gesture for deco stop, the first time I saw it in my life, and when I asked he explains and then asked me back in a very serious tone the name of my Fundies Instructor. The funny part is that this gesture has not been in the material of GUE-F for some years now, since 2 other people there that did their fundies with different instructors also didn't know it.
Personally, I am very careful everytime I interact with the all dogs. Quality control is everywhere in GUE.
I believe this thing doesn't exist at all with other agencies. If I remember well, GUE is the owner of your GUE card, while, with other agencies, you are the owner of the card. I believe this is why GUE representatives can retrieve your certification any time they want if justified.The thing is that I am not sure in other agencies if such thing is as common as in GUE.
Now we are going a bit inside some details of GUE that I may not know that well; I am just at level 1 of their courses, definitely far from being an instructor or an insider... So do not take my experience (and, in general, what I say) as the holy bible