Randy43068:Randy Smith has NO drysuit.
No drysuit diving will be done by above mentioned individual until such time as a suitable one can be secured from a reputable source for less than market value.
End of press release.
ohhh crap Randy you make me laugh... I gotta stop looking at this board during work hours...
See everyone Saturday. Looks like Brian will be coming up so Randy again the offer is there if you want a ride... I'm probably going to throw in a campstove and pots to warm up water for Brian...
Berr - you coming w/ tent- - that would be way too cool and will be a pleasure to meet you.
Anyone thinking about Florida for January and/or February? At the very least I'm starting to gather a trip for Feb 17th weekend drive all night, dive couple days and then head on back... ?!?!?
Hmmmm just thinking about it.... I'd like some sort of whitty signature and "Randy43068 has no drysuit" might work out fairly well... ;-)