After reading through all of the posts on this subject, it is obvious that the issue at hand here is the failure of this diver to to get proper training and to follow the five basic rules of cave diving. I am hoping to complete my full cave class this winter. During the classes that I have taken to this point and a majority of the practice sessions that I have done since then is line handling. After watching a number of videos that had links in this particular forum, I noticed that there seemed to be a missing element. That being a continuos line. I may have just missed it, but in the video of the extreme side mount diving taken at Rock Bluff posted by Cavediver, I did not see any line at all. Is there a time when your skill level allows you to forgo the placement of a continuos line, or are the divers in these videos breaking one of the basic rules. Obviously these are very talented individuals, but if they are not using a line, is there a legitimate reason?