The sad truth, which has been stated on here several times, is that you cant fix stupid. No matter how many rules, regulations and barriers you put in someones way, if they want to circumvent these and hurt themselves, they are going to do it. The only thing we as a diving community (OW to technical diving) can do is educate each other and offer info, which is what the majority of people on these threads have been attempting to do. I personally have gained loads of respect for the cave divers on here from there input into this tragic incident. So I ask the ones who have been posting to stop talking about this person, or stop saying that about this person, what good are you accomplishing?? Trying to stop the flow of information is not going to bring back the dead, but it may hamper a diver who is still on the fence about whether they would try risky behaviors underwater from being persuaded. So please think before you jump in and try to derail an affective thread like this.
Keep it accurate though and not personal.
Everyone stay safe but most important stay smart!