james croft
I have Kirby Moran KMB 10 Band Masks, EXO-26 masks and AGAS and even an old General Aquadyne mask, all with wireless OTS com and have used hardwired com. I originally got them for public safety diving for the reasons mentioned by mntdiver. If you need them for com or to keep dirty water out of the mouth, they are necessary. As far as recreational diving goes, I try to dive in clean water and even when wearing a mask with com in it I normally never talk to anyone as I do not dive for the purpose of conversing with folks. I just like the sound of my regulator. If I had to pick I a favorite I would go with the regulator, but I will always keep a FFM for those occasions when some work needs to be done in conditions I normally would not want to dive in. And I darn sure would Ebay an Ocean Reef mask and buy an Interspiro AGA or a Kirby Morgan FFM. Ocean Reef masks are a problem waiting to happen. I cannot tell much of a difference diving in icy water between a regulator and a FFM. After a few minutes you are so numb it quits hurting and you just enjoy the dive.