james croft:
That Oceanic block looks suspiciously like a Kirby Morgan Block unless my old eyes are deceiving me. Maybe it is produced by KM ?
It is a Kirby Morgan part, hence the diamond shaped sticker on it that says Kirby Morgan.
I can't believe all the B.S. on this thread due to lack of knowledge or experience.
A full face mask is hands down safer than using a standard recreational SCUBA regulator. Due to the basic design of any FFM it is a lot harder to drowned using one. If the diver should pass out you can loose your air source or inhale water. That dosen't prevent you from running out of air though.
As for switching breathing gas or going to an alternate air source you do need a "side block" type manifold for most masks. The Kirby Morgan M48 Supermask is the exception. It has a removable regulator housing that mounts over the mouth area which can be removed to switch to an alternate air source or to talk/breath on the surface. You could possably use a snorkle with it removed if you are dealing with rough surface conditions.
I've used all of the most common FFM including the Aga by Interspero, the M48, the KMB-18/28's, a KMB-8 and the EXO-26. The Aga is very comfortable in the water but a PITA to clear with. The others are eaiser to clear your ears while using but are heavier and I wouldn't reccomend them for recreational use, unless you are a hard-core diver like myself with lots of serious training by the AAUS, ADC, Navy or possably one of the Tech organizations.
It all boils down to being trained in the proper use, proper emergency procedures, doing a lot of self rescue drills and spending a lot of time in the water geting comfotable with the equipment you are going to use. Email me if you need any tip or have any questions.