TSandM:So, we just won't have you organize the dives. But perhaps we can still use your network of contacts to help recruit the "experienced divers" for such dives?
I would hope so, Bob your efforts to help out us newer divers are sincerely appreciated.
As to your legal laments, there certainly is some truth to what you are saying. That being said, it is good to remember that a lot of the litigation in our society is driven by a particular element of the legal community. I know many lawyers that would rightfully advise clients to avoid litigation and would willingly show someone the door who wanted to bring a frivilous or meritless case. I spend most of my time trying to keep my clients out of the courtroom. In addition, sanctions for attorneys that bring such cases are on the upswing, but this is still a jurisdiction dependant issue.
Back on topic, I'd love to continue to have a chance to dive with experienced divers, I learn so much every time I get in the water with them, and I hope to be able to expand my network of dive buddies through such dives.