Finally dove my Oxycheq setup

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It's so funny, your just mad at Oxycheq and oppose them all because you know they are about to take it all away from Halcyon and making all your little last ditch efforts to throw more blankets on the mud.

Hahahaha, doesn't matter any more you guys will lose in the end, you will see. Hhahahaha, hahahaha. Your efforts are fruitless, but you are a nut. Hhhaahahah! Later Spanky!
Genesis once bubbled...

Oh, you must dive the same conditions I do.

Do 'ya like not having that lift on the surface in a short-period 4' chop? You know, the kind that has curling spray on the tops that likes to put you under the water?

Good point... But mine floats me at the surface fine... And that's not with the wing fully inflated. It has a little in reserve. I've used the same wing in Coz, Aruba, Cancun, Florida last year. And haven't had a problem. But there I have a AL80 and a weight belt. If I have a problem. I dump the belt. Hang it from my Lift bag inflate lift bag. And it won't go anywhere. But I haven't had a problem. Maybe you have.

Genesis once bubbled...

Do you like it if you're low on gas?

With the Halcyon 27 there is no way you can float high enough to avoid a problem if you end up in the water for any period of time.

With the OxyCheq you can ride the damn thing like a raft on your back! Really.

Why in the world would I want a BC that will let me ride it like a Raft. If something happens underwater and it over inflates. You're screwed. Ballistic missle syndrome. If you're low on gas your not diving your plan and planning your dive.

Genesis once bubbled...

The reason this is "ill advised" with the Halcyons has nothing to do with a run-away inflation - something we are all taught to deal with, RIGHT? You just disconnect the inflator hose - problem over.

No, the reason this is "ill-advised" is that the Halcyon doesn't balance the lift, and therefore it cannot be used on the surface like a raft; it instead tries to throw you on your face if you attempt to ride it like that. So unelss you need the lift under the surface, its stupid to buy the Halcyon 45.

But the Oxycheq doesn't do that.

You do not get the negatives that the Halcyon "high lift" singles wings have with the Oxycheq. The lift remains BALANCED and you CAN use it as surface support, while you give up NOTHING in terms of streamlining or trim underwater to have that capability.

It's a BC not a raft. If you're diving where you might need a raft to keep you out of the water for exteded periods of time. You either shouldn't be diving or have a death wish. Buy a boat. And Unless I'm mistaken. Halcyon doesn't make a 45lb single. I know they used to. But didn't sell many. Cause you don't need it.

And tell a newbie a runaway inflation is easy to deal with. They are already scared. I've seen people in jacket bc's come bopping out of the water. Said "It stuck". Why didn't you disconnect the inflator hose? "I forgot." And inflator hoses stick too. Turn your tank off. Bleed the pressure. Disconnect. Turn on your tank.

Genesis once bubbled...

The "runaway ascent" nonsense is a red herring and does nothing more than cover up the bad original design - a problem the Oxycheq wing simply doesn't have.

I own both a 30 and 45 now. I intend to dive the 45 as my "usual kit" for singles use, simply because I lose NOTHING from the 30 in doing so, and gain some protection in extreme surface conditions.

Nope, not a red herring. With new divers it's a regular occurance. They can't control there bouyancy, freak and off on there way to the surface they go. I've seen a guy with 200dives this year do it from 85 ft. Task loading. Buddy was a new diver. His reg freeflowed. Using new buddies reg. Tried an ascent. Couldn't control it. And ballistic they both went. Both OK. Got a lot of talking to about how they should of been able to deal with it at 85 feet. BEFORE they went ballistic. It was a stupid mistake.

The last thing they need is to much lift...

Genesis once bubbled...

Any way you slice it, this spells "win" to me.

Because you've gotten the OXYcheq blinders on. Everyone asked before the 45 was even introduced why they would want to build that much lift into a wing. Read the board posts and you'll find it. Heck, I use a 45lb Dive Rite Trek wing with Dual AL80's. You don't need 45lbs of lift with a Single tank. Just like the OMS 100's. There is no way you need that much lift...
Do you have a picture that shows this? I want to be clear on how it expands.

Genesis once bubbled...
is on the inside (tank side) instead of on the outside

(in response to)
Never had a seam leak here. Only pinholes I caused.

I think your response shows you have no real response. Back it up with facts, that's all I ask.

Jackknife once bubbled...

More like you spewing the hot air, be careful all that hot air must be causing those wing leaks, bustin' out the seals.
All you angry fellas eg: Danster G. and Maveprick, can be all gung-ho about your Halcion stuff. The point, is you too will soon be using Oxycheq wings and gear. You just a little uptight right now, but we all understand. Most people don't like change, and it shows all over you. You will convert, because everyone wants to dive with the best, why settle for less.

It may not be now, but I'm sure you guys will soon see the light of day, once you pull your heads out of your BC's (asses). Your last ditch efforts aren't going to work, a lot of dive stores know the truth and they too are going with Oxycheq wings for their customers, so you see, cry all you want it doesn't matter. Waaaaah, waaaah! Hahhahaha!:thumb:
Jackknife once bubbled...
All you angry fellas eg: Danster G. and Maveprick, can be all gung-ho about your Halcion stuff. The point, is you too will soon be using Oxycheq wings and gear.

OK, I think a saw a picture that made the center gusset piece clear to me. Instead of bellows on the outer edge of the wing, it expands similarly (let me know if that isn't correct) but on the inside next to the tank.

This is where I have a little problem understanding how an Oxycheck wing can be more stable left to right (rolling).

A wing that places most of the lift on the outer edge will be more stable than one placing the lift next to the tank near the divers back. That is a fact that is not disputable. I have a degree in Civil Engineering and we did cover Fluid Dynamics. The most stable is where you place the lift high and the center of gravity low. This is why you place the greatest weight in the keel of a boat as low as you can. This resists rollover. The moment required to cause rollover increases with a greater lever arm.

The part of a wing that keeps one from rolling left to right is the outer edge as it wraps around the tank and air finds the highest point. The lift is placed on the outer edge of the tank. If it is placed in the center of the wing, the center of lift would in fact be lower and closer to the centerline of the tank. Less ditance from the center means less stability. I would assume that if the Oxycheq is not full inflated, it would behave similar to a Pioneer wing in this regard. However, for those unfortunate few insist on diving overweighted, stabilty would be reduced when the thing is nearly or fully inflated underwater. Hopefully most understand that is not a real smart thing to do, but I'm thinking one person on this list just may dive that way.

I just don't see an advantage to the expandable center. Bellowed sides catching on sharp objects has been sugested. I don't know for sure, but I'm pretty sure my 36 lb wing doesn't extend past my shoulders or higher than the highest point on my tank. What am I going to catch it on? If I'm in that type of environment, I dive doubles.

Genesis once bubbled...
is on the inside (tank side) instead of on the outside

(in response to)
It's a BC not a raft. If you're diving where you might need a raft to keep you out of the water for exteded periods of time. You either shouldn't be diving or have a death wish. Buy a boat.

Oh really? I own a boat. See my avatar? That's the boat. Big enough for you guy?

What happens when you lose the line and come up on a 2+ knot current? With a deco stop? Oh, I know, shoot a SMB. Cool. What if the boat doesn't see you? Now you're 1/2 mile away. You sound the dive alert. They don't hear you. Now what?

Think it doesn't happen? Think again - it does.

I dive in conditions where this can happen all the time. Surface currents down to 20-30' stiff enough that they CANNOT be swam against - you simply must pull yourself to the anchor line, and then pull yourself hand-over-hand down until you're at 20' or so, at which point you are "free" of it and all is beautiful. Until you ascend, of course.

Lose the line on such a dive and you're in deep doo-doo.

Have I had it happen yet? No. Might it some day? Yes. If it does do I want my head out of the water so when (not if) my gas runs out I can be reasonably certain of staying where I can breathe air instead of water? Absolutely.

Stuck LP inflator? I've had one. I pulled the coupler, dumped the extra air, got neutral, banged on the inflator a few times, and reconnected it - then didn't use it again during the dive, so it couldn't stick again. No big deal. Use a SLOW inflator, not one of those overbalanced "fast" ones (like SP sells) and you've got quite a while before you do the Polaris imitation. Guess what kind Scott includes on his wings? Yep - the nice slow ones. Guess what kind are on lots of BCs? Yeah, the really fast, grossly-overpowered (and dangerous) ones. You can fix that for about $20 with a nice, cheap, slow inflator replacement.

BTW, as I've noted, the OxyCheq 45 wing is exactly the same size in outside dimensions as the 30. Exactly. I laid one on top of the other. The only difference is the "inside" expansion area, where it is protected by the tank. Until and unless you need the additional lift, you pay no penalty for having it available - not in trim, not in drag, not in fragility and succeptability to puncture.

Now again - exactly what is the problem with this?
Same reason Halcyon uses a slow inflator on their wings.

No problem with the wing if in fact it works this way. However, if you have a bellows outer edge, that provides an even greater amount of lift high. I doubt there is much difference at all in the way the wings dive since most poeple don't need a lot of air in the wing during the dive. If one does, there is a more serious problem that needs to be addressed. The trim issue is easily dealt with on any of the wings.

Genesis once bubbled...

Use a SLOW inflator, not one of those overbalanced "fast" ones (like SP sells) and you've got quite a while before you do the Polaris imitation.

Until and unless you need the additional lift, you pay no penalty for having it available - not in trim, not in drag, not in fragility and succeptability to puncture.

Now again - exactly what is the problem with this?
No problem with the wing if in fact it works this way. However, if you have a bellows outer edge, that provides an even greater amount of lift high.

It depends on the shape of the aircell when inflated.

I've looked at both in profile when inflated. If you do, you'll understand the trim difference instantly. Irrespective of how much air is in the wing.

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