Finally dove my Oxycheq setup

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Uncle Pug once bubbled...

I personally prefer the STA-less wing over using an STA. I use the Halcyon 27# with a LP104 and somehow seem to manage. :D

Don't tell me your going to invent some other method of attaching the tank to your plate say using "A Pretty Red Ribbon tied in a bow". You can call it D.I.P. "Doing It Pretty"
I have tried the Halcyon 36 without an STA. Once.

Hated it.

Even with the "rods", the tank was not stable. Well, ok, not stable enough for me.

Plus, the bolts dug into the tank, and tended to cock it sideways. If you remove the bolts, the entire pack is all over the place until you get everything cinched up - a real PITA.

So, the STA went on, and I've been happy since....

I can see the argument if you simply don't need the weight, but for me its a non-issue - in a 3 mil full suit, which is my usual "light protection" dive garmet, I need 2lbs with a SS BP, OMS STA and a single HP Steel.

(Now I could not dive a LP steel in this config - no way. If I wanted to do that I'd change to an AL BP. Ditto if I wanted to dive a bathing suit. I don't want to do either, so it works ok for me.)
Genesis once bubbled...
I have tried the Halcyon 36 without an STA. Once.

Hated it.

Even with the "rods", the tank was not stable. Well, ok, not stable enough for me.

Plus, the bolts dug into the tank, and tended to cock it sideways. If you remove the bolts, the entire pack is all over the place until you get everything cinched up - a real PITA.

So, the STA went on, and I've been happy since....

I can see the argument if you simply don't need the weight, but for me its a non-issue - in a 3 mil full suit, which is my usual "light protection" dive garmet, I need 2lbs with a SS BP, OMS STA and a single HP Steel.

(Now I could not dive a LP steel in this config - no way. If I wanted to do that I'd change to an AL BP. Ditto if I wanted to dive a bathing suit. I don't want to do either, so it works ok for me.)

I don't get it. The tank either moves or it doesn't. On my STA-less Pioneer, the tank simply doesn't move. How much more immobility does the STA grant me?

BTW, you don't really need the bolts. They are kinda nice... and my bolts don't touch the tank. You can get some better bolts at Home Depot if yours are troublesome.
Man, you make it so easy....LOL

Jackknife once bubbled...
Alright let's talk details here:

In Halcyon's wing design, they do not recommend a 45# wing for regular diving. In their case that is true because it results in much more buoyancy and drag at the ass end.

Nope, you've got it wrong. They don't recommend a 45# wing for regular diving because with a single tank. It's to much lift. If you have a runaway inflator you get 45lbs of lift and your valve blowing off the over pressure. Dive the lift you need to keep you bouyant at the surface. Why would I want or need an extra 18lbs of lift??? I dive a 27lb halcyon with a FredT AL plate and a HP100 Faber. I don't need a weight belt. And at the surface with a 3mm full suit it floats me perfect. Head just out of the water. So I don't need or want an extra 18lbs of lift. If you are set up right. You would't need it either. Some people like the 36 for a little extra room for error. Which would be another 9lbs of lift. A 45lb wing is 9lbs more then that. I don't need or want an extra 18lbs of lift.

Jackknife once bubbled...

The Oxycheq's 45 lbs wing has expandeable gussets, it is exceptionally tough. It is a three part urethane/nylon/urethane (know as a sandwich centerline expandable gusset). In simple terms, it means that it's tough. The reason why people are claiming great trim and effortless swimming is the centerline gusset slip streams the cylinder, the buoyancy in the center of your body, the tear drop shape when inflated, and the use of a bellows at the bottom of the wing. All those things combined result in a high performance wing that people have been claiming. By the way what's the gusset on the Halcyon wing made of? It would be interesting to know?

My Halcyon 27 cradles the tank too.. And you don't know how tough the Oxycheq is yet. It hasn't been on the market long enough to show how durable it is. 3 weeks out doesn't prove a wing.

I don't know what the gusset on the Halcyon wing is made of. Don't really care. I said I dive the 27lb wing. And have always said that. It doesn't have or need gussets.

Jackknife once bubbled...

Why do some Halcyon dealers get different power inflators with different shipments and why it is not standardized?

It might be your dealer. They have an inflator for the dual wings and one for the single. Reason for this is how you set up your gear. One is with the inflator button out. The other is with it in. If your dealer put the wrong one on. That isn't halcyon's fault...

Jackknife once bubbled...

Why does it seem that Halcyon has been having wing leaking problems for at least two years, why has that not been corrected?

Never said they didn't have problems. But mine has never leaked. Kinda my point on the Oxycheq wings. They haven't been on the market long enough to prove that it's bugs have all been worked out.

Jackknife once bubbled...

Why does it seem there are so many problems encountered with the Halcyon power inflators, and why are so many dealers getting a variety of them. To me, they have proven that they have not been able to correct mfg problems.

There are 2 different power inflators. One for singles and one for duals. Never heard of a problem with them. But like other gear. It does need to be serviced occasionally.

Jackknife once bubbled...

You know you look like an idiot claiming you like "STA-less" wing over a wing with a STA. Yet, a STA makes the system much more stable and secure. I thought it was called "Doing it Right", not "Doing it Cheap". Originally, Halcyon used an STA on their original Pioneer wings. I think they went to the use the plastic rods because it was cheaper to do. Obviously, you like cheap quality.

Once again you're babbling nonsense. I said in a previous post I have a FredT 2 piece STA. It's nice. But I don't need or want the extra weight. And I like it as close to my centerline as possible. I haven't noticed a problem with hitting my head on the tank as others have.

Some like the STA, some don't. I don't. And the Oxycheq requires an STA to stabalize the tank. So that is a strike against it. To me. For others it's a non issue.

So how would I be worried about the price of the wing if I bought one of the most expensive ones. Plus a STA I don't use anymore. Plus I have around 9 different backplates. Uh, Cheap I ain't. I get what I want. I've been blessed with a good job that keeps me in all the toy's I want. But cheap...LOL... My friends would love to see you tell me that....LOL...

Jackknife once bubbled...

Why do a lot of Halcyon divers cut out the plastic rods and added holes in the wing to use a STA? You must know something that a lot of other people do not, why don't you share that with us?

Don't know. Maybe they like to dive with a STA. But my STA fits on my Halcyon 27 fine. The rods don't need to be cut out. Maybe some STA's require it. Mine from FredT don't. But I prefer it without the extra weight. Neat thing you need to try. Only dive the weight you need. It makes diving so much easier. Take a DIRF class so you can learn some skills.

Jackknife once bubbled...

You actually think a non STA is more stable? Whatever bud! The more you mouth off, the dumber you look and the more deficiencies will be pointed out and brought to light on Halcyon's stuff by everyone else.

Never have I said a Non STA is more stable. You keep dreaming this stuff up and adding your own beliefs into it. I said I like diving without a STA. It's stable. I don't need it bolted directly to my back bone either. If your worried about stability you might have your harness to loose. Maybe you aren't wetting the cam straps before you cinch it up. Don't know. But I don't have a problem with stability when I cinch it down.

So who looks dumb now??? The person who responds to my posts and doesn't read them??? And gets them wrong??? Or the person who explains why they like what they like????

Jackknife once bubbled...

*FYI guys, the manufacturer of the Oxycheq wings have been making wings for about 25 years, about six times longer than Halcyon and they make a large percentage of wings that are on the market. The manufacturing ability is already proven. Maverick can make a weak argument that the wing design is not proven, but that would be lame as is does not take a rocket scientist more than a couple of dives to notice how well they trim out and how well they swim with an Oxycheq wing.

Really, cause there are a lot of crappy bc's out there.... If they manufacture a bunch of other junk BC's. It isn't a plus...

Jackknife once bubbled...

The bottom line is that the Oxycheq line of wings is well liked and respected by the technical and recreational dive community, whether single tank, double tank, or drysuit diving. This wing is dollar for dollar the best out there, and I for one think it AWESOME! The cool thing that so many divers have already switched over and experienced the benefits themselves. Looks mean nothing, looks and similarities mean nothing. Diving it and experiencing all that it's cracked up to be is where it's at. Oxycheq wings rock!!!!

You're right. In 3 weeks they are well liked and respected. Heck, I think I saw one in the WKPP last week. They are just so well proven in 3 weeks that everyone should buy one... All other manufactures should shut there doors and ask Oxy how in 3 weeks they proved there wing to be able to power the space shuttle... It's so awesome, Kathy Ireland asked me to be the father of her child. Angelina Jolie has dibs on me for the moment though. She couldn't resist the Wing either....

Oh wait a second. That sounds like one of your posts doesn't it....LOL

Jackknife once bubbled...

"Buck all you want Maverick, we are all going to take turns riding you "horsey", and we all like it"!

Nope, Your just the clown in the barrel the horse runs over.....LOL
Dive the lift you need to keep you bouyant at the surface. Why would I want or need an extra 18lbs of lift??? I dive a 27lb halcyon with a FredT AL plate and a HP100 Faber. I don't need a weight belt. And at the surface with a 3mm full suit it floats me perfect. Head just out of the water. So I don't need or want an extra 18lbs of lift.

Oh, you must dive the same conditions I do.

Do 'ya like not having that lift on the surface in a short-period 4' chop? You know, the kind that has curling spray on the tops that likes to put you under the water?

Do you like it if you're low on gas?

With the Halcyon 27 there is no way you can float high enough to avoid a problem if you end up in the water for any period of time.

With the OxyCheq you can ride the damn thing like a raft on your back! Really.

The reason this is "ill advised" with the Halcyons has nothing to do with a run-away inflation - something we are all taught to deal with, RIGHT? You just disconnect the inflator hose - problem over.

No, the reason this is "ill-advised" is that the Halcyon doesn't balance the lift, and therefore it cannot be used on the surface like a raft; it instead tries to throw you on your face if you attempt to ride it like that. So unelss you need the lift under the surface, its stupid to buy the Halcyon 45.

But the Oxycheq doesn't do that.

You do not get the negatives that the Halcyon "high lift" singles wings have with the Oxycheq. The lift remains BALANCED and you CAN use it as surface support, while you give up NOTHING in terms of streamlining or trim underwater to have that capability.

The "runaway ascent" nonsense is a red herring and does nothing more than cover up the bad original design - a problem the Oxycheq wing simply doesn't have.

I own both a 30 and 45 now. I intend to dive the 45 as my "usual kit" for singles use, simply because I lose NOTHING from the 30 in doing so, and gain some protection in extreme surface conditions.

Any way you slice it, this spells "win" to me.
I use the STA-less single tank wing with no bolts. Mine is just as stable as yours. Tighten your cam straps properly.

Well liked and respected in both tech and rec markets? By a small number so far. Most divers haven't even heard of Oxycheq. Give it some time before you make statements like this. Better yet, let us see those statistics on the converted. My guess is you are full of hot air as usual. You have already shown you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to diving.

btw, can someone tell me how the Oxycheq wing expands in lieu of bellows in the side. I have not seen the wing since OWU and don't remember how they handle this.

Jackknife once bubbled...
Alright let's talk details here:

The reason why people are claiming great trim and effortless swimming is the centerline gusset slip streams the cylinder, the buoyancy in the center of your body, the tear drop shape when inflated, and the use of a bellows at the bottom of the wing. All those things combined result in a high performance wing that people have been claiming.

You know you look like an idiot claiming you like "STA-less" wing over a wing with a STA. Yet, a STA makes the system much more stable and secure.

You actually think a non STA is more stable? Whatever bud! The more you mouth off, the dumber you look and the more deficiencies will be pointed out and brought to light on Halcyon's stuff by everyone else.

The bottom line is that the Oxycheq line of wings is well liked and respected by the technical and recreational dive community, whether single tank, double tank, or drysuit diving. This wing is dollar for dollar the best out there, and I for one think it AWESOME! The cool thing that so many divers have already switched over and experienced the benefits themselves. Looks mean nothing, looks and similarities mean nothing. Diving it and experiencing all that it's cracked up to be is where it's at. Oxycheq wings rock!!!!

I'm not going to read back thru all the posts to figure it out, but is it possible that the folks having the tank stability issues are diving skinny tanks like Al80's vs the fatter tanks which would tend not to bottom out in the rods?

is on the inside (tank side) instead of on the outside

(in response to)
btw, can someone tell me how the Oxycheq wing expands in lieu of bellows in the side. I have not seen the wing since OWU and don't remember how they handle this.
Dan Gibson once bubbled...
I use the STA-less single tank wing with no bolts. Mine is just as stable as yours. Tighten your cam straps properly.

Well liked and respected in both tech and rec markets? By a small number so far. Most divers haven't even heard of Oxycheq. Give it some time before you make statements like this. Better yet, let us see those statistics on the converted. My guess is you are full of hot air as usual. You have already shown you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to diving.

btw, can someone tell me how the Oxycheq wing expands in lieu of bellows in the side. I have not seen the wing since OWU and don't remember how they handle this.

More like you spewing the hot air, be careful all that hot air must be causing those wing leaks, bustin' out the seals.
Mverick once bubbled...

Man, you are so right, I am the bumbling idiot that everybody says I am, you make it so easy to pick on me cause I'm stooopid ahhahah....LOL Even my mom says so.

Oh wait a second. That sounds like mosts of my posts doesn't it....LOL
You are right about everything, I am the dumb ass clown in the barrel the horses runs over, and over and over, AND I LIIIKE IT, give me more I deserve it....LOL

You're weird dude! Ge some help! HHAhahahahahah:D

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