Finally dove my Oxycheq setup

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LUBOLD8431 once bubbled...
Rich, there is such a thing as an authorized dealer...
I work for a shop that is an Oxycheq dealer. We sell the new wings. We cant keep them in stock.
My mistake. I thought Patrick only sold direct.
You see a beautiful girl....
You fall in love......
You tell all your friends about it....
(Your friends say you don't know her well enough)

You bring her out for a few dates.....
You love the way she "behaves" during the dates...
You tell all your friends about it...
(Your friends say you still haven't got enough "time" on her)

You bring her to more exotic places....
You go on holidays with her...
You even do exciting and "dangerous" things with her...
(Your friends still say no good....)
You marry the girl...
You still do the same things that you did b4 you marry...
You are very happy...
(Some people are still not happy about it...)

Reason being.....
1. Some people don't like you do have too good a thing.
2. Some people thinks theirs are better.
3. Some people want the good thing to themselves but does not want you to know it. And since they can't have the good thing and not let you know about it... they just ********........

(PLEASE NO FLAME.........just want to chalk up my posts.) :wink:
You get a little bored with her...
You still enjoy doing all the things with her...
You want more out of her that she can't give you...
(Still people not happy.. don't know why???)

You walk along the streets...
You see a new girl...
You fall in love...
(Now your friends say your previous girl is better)
(You friends also say you do not know her well enough)

PLEASE REPEAT PART 1 and Part 2.....

********************The End********************
The girl will try to get back at you after you dump her.....

The BC will sit in a corner and happy to be "retired"

So I say Go get yourselves all the new Gears!!!


Spend.. spend.. spend to bloat the economy!!!!

This board is very informative... just chill and contribute so I can learn more.

But then again, arguments can really spice up someone's day!!

mleong once bubbled...
Which company's made wings does this applies to?

Michael [/B]

I dont know; I can tell you ours are made in the US with US made materials, because we want it that way.



Well guys, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Just that we should not bash each other too hard. We are here to share our opinion and views. I really enjoy all the discussion forum here at Scubaboard. Althought some of it does not apply to me here in Malaysia.

When I saw the Oxycheq wing, I love it. ORdered one and waiting for it to arrive (a friend from MIchigan is bringing it to me in a few weeks time). A Halcyon Wing is only available in Singapore and it costs Singapore Dollar(SGD) 575.00 for the 27lb and SGD 700.00 for the 36lb, which costs more than half of my Salary in Malaysia(27lb = 1265.00 and 36lb = 1540.00). At least the Oxycheq wing is still affordable, under 900.00 after converting to Malaysia Dollar.
I can't wait to try iy out.

Bp/Wing configuration is not even heard of in Malaysia(as least the majority). I think I will be the only one proudly diving with the Oxycheq wing here in Tioman.

Happy Diving.

Dan Gibson once bubbled...
Words mean things. When you understand that, you will realize how rediculous some of your latest statements have been in this thread.

You seem to want to turn this into one brand versus the other. I don't care which wing someone buys. I don't believe Jody cares either. I'm sure most don't care. I know the instructors teaching the Fundamentals class don't care about brand, only that it meets certain guidlines.

Silly is what your most recent replies have been.

Okay Danster, exactly what are the guidelines and what wings other than Halcyon's are recommended, since you know seem to know so much?
Alright let's talk details here:

In Halcyon's wing design, they do not recommend a 45# wing for regular diving. In their case that is true because it results in much more buoyancy and drag at the ass end.

The Oxycheq's 45 lbs wing has expandeable gussets, it is exceptionally tough. It is a three part urethane/nylon/urethane (know as a sandwich centerline expandable gusset). In simple terms, it means that it's tough. The reason why people are claiming great trim and effortless swimming is the centerline gusset slip streams the cylinder, the buoyancy in the center of your body, the tear drop shape when inflated, and the use of a bellows at the bottom of the wing. All those things combined result in a high performance wing that people have been claiming. By the way what's the gusset on the Halcyon wing made of? It would be interesting to know?

Why do some Halcyon dealers get different power inflators with different shipments and why it is not standardized?

Why does it seem that Halcyon has been having wing leaking problems for at least two years, why has that not been corrected?

Why does it seem there are so many problems encountered with the Halcyon power inflators, and why are so many dealers getting a variety of them. To me, they have proven that they have not been able to correct mfg problems.

You know you look like an idiot claiming you like "STA-less" wing over a wing with a STA. Yet, a STA makes the system much more stable and secure. I thought it was called "Doing it Right", not "Doing it Cheap". Originally, Halcyon used an STA on their original Pioneer wings. I think they went to the use the plastic rods because it was cheaper to do. Obviously, you like cheap quality.

Why do a lot of Halcyon divers cut out the plastic rods and added holes in the wing to use a STA? You must know something that a lot of other people do not, why don't you share that with us?

You actually think a non STA is more stable? Whatever bud! The more you mouth off, the dumber you look and the more deficiencies will be pointed out and brought to light on Halcyon's stuff by everyone else.

*FYI guys, the manufacturer of the Oxycheq wings have been making wings for about 25 years, about six times longer than Halcyon and they make a large percentage of wings that are on the market. The manufacturing ability is already proven. Maverick can make a weak argument that the wing design is not proven, but that would be lame as is does not take a rocket scientist more than a couple of dives to notice how well they trim out and how well they swim with an Oxycheq wing.

The bottom line is that the Oxycheq line of wings is well liked and respected by the technical and recreational dive community, whether single tank, double tank, or drysuit diving. This wing is dollar for dollar the best out there, and I for one think it AWESOME! The cool thing that so many divers have already switched over and experienced the benefits themselves. Looks mean nothing, looks and similarities mean nothing. Diving it and experiencing all that it's cracked up to be is where it's at. Oxycheq wings rock!!!!

"Buck all you want Maverick, we are all going to take turns riding you "horsey", and we all like it"!
Jackknife once bubbled...
You know you look like an idiot claiming you like "STA-less" wing over a wing with a STA.
I personally prefer the STA-less wing over using an STA. I use the Halcyon 27# with a LP104 and somehow seem to manage. :D
Uncle Pug once bubbled...

I personally prefer the STA-less wing over using an STA. I use the Halcyon 27# with a LP104 and somehow seem to manage. :D

I thought it was called "Doing it Right", not "Doing it Cheap".

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