Finally dove my Oxycheq setup

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LUBOLD8431 once bubbled...
Dude, first get a script for some Prozac or something.... or maybe its Viagra that you need...

So how exactly does this show any knowledge about the wing??? It does let others know your childishness. LOL

LUBOLD8431 once bubbled...

ANyways, what does a wing need to do to be PROVEN to you??? DOes it have to be part of an international expedition to map a cave 19000 feet back? Part of a team that is exploring Antarctica? I mean, really, what does a wing HAVE to do anyways? Just give you lift, right???

Wing needs to give you proper bouyancy. And not have a catastrophic failure. But being an instructor. You should know what a BC does. I guess you don't.

Do you have any clue about bladder material. And how it can break down. This is what you don't know yet. It hasn't been in circulation enough to prove it's a long lasting product. Ever hear of an Edsel or a Corvair. Praised when they came out. And they had been tested extensively before hand.

It's just a wing. But it doesn't have enough dives on it to prove it's safe. And yea, a BC is an important part of your gear. But if you're an Instructor and a shop owner I guess you're in the group that pushes stuff to your students that makes you the most profit. Because you keep pushing it.

LUBOLD8431 once bubbled...

Well, In my book buddy, the OXYCHEQ has been PROVEN....

Good, You've dove it in your pool and on 5 dives. Boy, that's a real work out you've given it. I'd really take your word on buying gear. With 5 dives on gear you don't know jack.

LUBOLD8431 once bubbled...

I will be taking mine in cave very soon... I dont feel like I am going to hurt myself because you havent put your little stamp of APPROVAL on it yet...

Then you're a fool. It's a single tank wing. Which has no place in a cave. This shows you don't know what you're talking about.

LUBOLD8431 once bubbled...

WHy dont you stay off of SB, you are only going to get flamed here....

Actually, if you read the thread. You would see there are others who, like me, think this wing isn't proven yet. But you just want to mouth off. Not talk about the merits of the wing.

LUBOLD8431 once bubbled...

No friends, its tough, huh?????

Once again, look around the thread. Plenty of people backing me up.

But since you're trying to sell this item. I guess my statements might cut into your profits... Gee, sorry. But you're trying to sell a wing to people that has been out for 2-3 weeks. It ain't proven.

It might be a good wing. It might not. See if it lasts longer than 3 weeks. Let a couple of hundred people dive it. Then problems will come out. If there are any. But after your 5 dives on it. You are nuts to tell someone it's the greatest wing ever built.... Which is what you keep yelling on this board. And funny thing. I've also had people PM me about it. That don't want to get into a P'ing match with you or anybody else. And, uh, they all agreed. It's a new wing. It needs some time out on the market before you can make a good decision on it's quality.

I have a 45 single tank wing and the 70# DOUBLES wing (which will be doing overhead for the first time with me)...

The wing will be going with me to Malaysia at the end of the month, and will be getting about 15 dives on it...

By the end of October, my 45# wing will have over fifty dives on it...

SOrry for being an a$$, I went to the Pats game last nite, and Im a little tired...
LUBOLD8431 once bubbled...

I have a 45 single tank wing and the 70# DOUBLES wing (which will be doing overhead for the first time with me)...

The wing will be going with me to Malaysia at the end of the month, and will be getting about 15 dives on it...

So, you have zero dives on the 70 and taking it in a cave for 15 dives? Then talking about how it's better then sliced bread isn't really a good review since you're saying you haven't dove it. But I guess it looks pretty huh... That ain't why I buy a wing. Or why anybody should buy a wing.

LUBOLD8431 once bubbled...

By the end of October, my 45# wing will have over fifty dives on it...

But how many dives do you have on it NOW is what matters. You're telling everyone how great it is NOW. Not in October.

LUBOLD8431 once bubbled...

SOrry for being an a$$, I went to the Pats game last nite, and Im a little tired...

Boy, do I want to add a childish remark here...LOL

And about me Bashing other people. I just read back through the thread. And I don't find a bashing anywhere. Except when Jackknife mouthed off about Electronics genius. I stated what I was and what we do. Since it was relevant. And mentioned what job I thought he had. Which I shouldn't have. But he kinda put himself in the position to get it. Still, my bad.

But from Scottk come STFU and bs comments. Umm, that's way uncalled for on the forums.

All my posts are true about what happened. No BS, or Slamming.

And about all Halcyon's Backplates coming from China. Where does ScottK get his steel from? I know National Steel was partly owned by a Japaneese firm. They used to import there steel and sell it with the National Steel brand stamped on it. So truth be told. You wouldn't be able to follow the path. Unless you're in the know. And once again. That's standard to relable things when brought into the country. He might cut it here. But where did it originally come from??? Is he supporting the US Steel Industry? Or buying the cheapest base metal???

Now. Since we are all on that gotta buy and support USA manufacturers kick. What are the cars in your driveway???

3 Ford,1 GMC,1 Buick,1 Olds, 2 Porsche,1 Mazda. 1 KTM dirt bike, 1 Suzuki street bike, 1 Yamaha four wheeler. 2 US boats. I'm working on the Harley. They are slow and I still like speed. And Harley doesn't make a crotch rocket. Or a dirt bike or a 4 wheeler.

So I'm well into supporting the US auto industry. What about you???

And don't tell me about how Toyota's are made here. They are non union plants that don't pay near the automakers average and the benefits aren't even close. And the profits still go back to Japan. And Honda and Toyota's reliability has dropped off significantly. Just like Sony. They've started selling alot of junk now. It definately isn't the old Sony.
Jackknife once bubbled...

I know that a lot of DIR classes push you to use Halcyon equipment exclusively so that you will buy it, so don't tell us that that this DIR thing is not gear specific. That is a monopoly if I ever heard one. I know a lot of other people on this board know that is true, just like your "Halcyondrone self".

What doesn't surprise me is you talking about wings potentially being a crutch. You know what, a seam leaking Halcyon wing in 120' of water with heavy gear on and no buoyancy is a crutch and half-ass more if you ask me. What a joke.

Another thing Patrick from Oxycheq is a good guy, he's been nothing but helpful to me and other people on this board, if you want to call him an ass why don't you call him directly, 661-268-0182 and tell him punk.

New gear innovation is a good thing son, it's suppose to improve your diving. What you say in your last post is saying you don't like change, or in other words, new gear that comes out that competes against your Halcyon is not good enough. We can read between the lines bud, it ain't gonna work. Halcyon's wings are not all that cracked up to be, crutch or no crutch. I would rather have a wing that trims me out than having to work at it. I guess you do! Oxycheq is good in my book, until I see something else better that's the way it stays.

Well Jackknife.....sorry to see you get so worked up over a post.

If you will reread my post, you will see that I not once knocked the Oxycheq wing. I said innovation is good and if it is good, then so be it. It may be the best thing out right now, who knows, but time will tell that. It doesnt just come out being the best immediately. What I did have a problem with was the salesman's (Patrick) sales tactic and attitude. Just my opinion, as you are entitled to yours. This still is America right?

Now. The whole wing being a crutch thing. What I said was is that if it helps trim...great! BUT...dont buy a wing to make you trim for that reason alone. That is a crutch. All you are doing is trying to fix a diving skill with equipmentinstead of addressing the real issue.....skill. Practice honing the skills so you dont have to rely on gear to help make you trim etc. Now, you mentioned being at 120ft , hole in the BC etc and that is a crutch. Well, that tells me for sure you havent ever taken a GUE class...or any real training similiar... because if you had, you would know about having a balanced rig and proper weighting etc. With a balanced rig, proper equipment and configuration, and proper training, a BC failure at 120ft would be manageble to say the least.

Lastly. I now see with people and mindsets like yours, why Halcyondrone" (your word...) people like myself have to exercise Rule # 1 so often.
I would say this response shows a complete lack of understanding on how to set up a balanced rig.

A seam leaking at 120' when one knows how to balance a rig is not a problem. One should always be prepared for a total wing failure and be ablw to swim the rig up. If you can't swim it up you chose the wrong gear and exposure suit for the dive.

Jackknife once bubbled...

What doesn't surprise me is you talking about wings potentially being a crutch. You know what, a seam leaking Halcyon wing in 120' of water with heavy gear on and no buoyancy is a crutch and half-ass more if you ask me. What a joke.
Dan Gibson once bubbled...
I would say this response shows a complete lack of understanding on how to set up a balanced rig.

A seam leaking at 120' when one knows how to balance a rig is not a problem. One should always be prepared for a total wing failure and be ablw to swim the rig up. If you can't swim it up you chose the wrong gear and exposure suit for the dive.

Who said I dive it like that dude? It was an example. Hahahha, like a horse with blinders, can't look left or right, just one way, one path. Silly!
Words mean things. When you understand that, you will realize how rediculous some of your latest statements have been in this thread.

You seem to want to turn this into one brand versus the other. I don't care which wing someone buys. I don't believe Jody cares either. I'm sure most don't care. I know the instructors teaching the Fundamentals class don't care about brand, only that it meets certain guidlines.

Silly is what your most recent replies have been.

Jackknife once bubbled...

Who said I dive it like that dude? It was an example. Hahahha, like a horse with blinders, can't look left or right, just one way, one path. Silly!
Mverick once bubbled...
But since you're trying to sell this item. I guess my statements might cut into your profits... Gee, sorry. But you're trying to sell a wing to people that has been out for 2-3 weeks. It ain't proven.
Scott's wing is currently available from two sources.
Nobody else is making a dime off of it.

The wing has been available for sale for only a couple of weeks, but the prototypes have been in testing for several months, and there have been design changes based on feedback from those dives.

This isn't just something that someone dreamed up in his garage and immediately tossed on the market.

I just bought one, in part due to feedback on the boards, and in part because I know people (locals) who have done business with Scott for many years and I have full trust in him to build and stand behind a quality product.

If you've got a problem with Scott or Patrick because of their attitudes, that's fine, but doubting the product because of that makes you no better than those who bash Halcyon products because certain representatives of DIR happen to be a bit coarse.
RichLockyer once bubbled...

Scott's wing is currently available from two sources.
Nobody else is making a dime off of it.

Better read through the thread. LUBOLD8431 said he got some in and was selling them. They have a minimum order supposedly of $400 for dealers. Although you can buy them direct. From what has been posted in this thread.

RichLockyer once bubbled...

The wing has been available for sale for only a couple of weeks, but the prototypes have been in testing for several months, and there have been design changes based on feedback from those dives.

OK, what is Several months. 3,5,7? But the true test is always after you put it on the market. When others use it for a while. Not when just the team that built the thing uses it.

RichLockyer once bubbled...

This isn't just something that someone dreamed up in his garage and immediately tossed on the market.

I just bought one, in part due to feedback on the boards, and in part because I know people (locals) who have done business with Scott for many years and I have full trust in him to build and stand behind a quality product.

He made punched and bent steel before. Not a BC. And I never said the BC was junk. I said it isn't proven yet. Do you buy the First model years car off the lot. I don't. Because they always have problems. It needs to be on the market awhile to prove it's a contender to a Halcyon, OMS, or Dive Rite. They had teething problems too. I hope it turns out to be a great wing. But saying it's a Great wing now is Premature.

RichLockyer once bubbled...

If you've got a problem with Scott or Patrick because of their attitudes, that's fine, but doubting the product because of that makes you no better than those who bash Halcyon products because certain representatives of DIR happen to be a bit coarse.

Never had problems with Scott. Other than he is calling BS and cussing on the board at me. Instead of telling me the merits of the wing and that all will be covered if there is a problem. Read his threads. He's never said that. Ever. Just bashing me for pointing out flaws in the wing design from my point of view. Same with the ABS spools. One is you Have to use a STA. I don't like using one. Some people do like them. I don't need or want the extra weight or distance from my back. By forcing you to use a STA with it. It limits his market. People who like diving without it are forced not to buy it.... And ABS isn't as durable as Delrin. That is proven in it's material.

I haven't bought anything from Scott. My Backplates are from Dive Rite, Halcyon, AUL, and FredT. Don't have a need for another one. But what I did have a problem with was from Patrick. And it happened just as stated. So yea, if he didn't back an $15 part I'm a little worried about him backing a $200 wing or a $1400 computer. If you bought a car from a dealer. Then it broke the next day. And you took it in and they charged you to fix it. Would you buy another car from that dealer????? If so, I got some stuff to sell ya.....LOL

I hope the wing is great. I need another wing myself. It won't be till next year. By then, some people will have dove it and if there are any bugs they will be exposed and hopefully worked out. But right now. It isn't a proven design. You have to get some dives on it before you can claim this. How difficult is it to understand this. It is very basic.
This is a PM I got from ScoobieDooo

Oxy Chek
Hey Friend,
Patrick and Koplin are synomous with quality products, American craftmanship and ethical sales policies. I'll bet if they are out 1 week or 1 year, at least they won't have 'staple holes' in them like that asses at Halcyon have been doing - and then telling buyers they must mave mistreated them!

You'll be eating these words soon enough. Koplins BP didn't have any burrs in his BP's slots. Funny lately Halcyon buyers have been reporting this. Lets see - I've read postings lately on Halcyon wings having pin holes, SS sliders rusting, BP's with burrs in the slots. All this for premium priced gear?

Ain't looking good friend...

-Anthony Robbins

I don't care about the staple holes. I can get that replaced. I'm more worried of things like the inner bladder rubbing against the outer jacket and creating a hole. Also whether the bladder will break down and crack quickly.

And since you don't seem to listen. I have OMS, Dive Rite, AUL, Halcyon, ScubaPro, Apeks, etc., etc. gear....

I have a Dive Rite Trek wing. 2 OMS wings without bunjees and 1 Halcyon Pioneer 27. Things I like and don't like about each one of them. But they had all been out for more then 3 weeks when I bought them. Had been used by many people in everday enviroments. The Oxycheq wing hasn't yet... Get it????

And a big strike against it is that you HAVE TO USE A STA.... I don't want or need to use one... Get it???

I don't use Sliders. If you set up your backplate right there isn't a need for it. But most people feel a need for them. I haven't except for a few D rings. And mine are FredT's. Not Halcyons. Better material and one piece. Not welded or stamped...

I could care less about burrs on my backplate also. It doesn't affect anything the way I set them up. It won't cut my straps or hurt my wing. So that isn't a selling point to me. Every plate I have got sandblasted and LINEX coated. No need for keepers or deburing.....

Do you actually read my posts. If you did without adding what you think I'm saying into it. You would realize your arguments don't hold water...

And I'd like to know what """You'll be eating these words soon enough""" is supposed to mean. A Threat??? If so, lets ask a moderator to have a talk with you... They aren't allowed on ScubaBoard...

And for the brain surgeon that asked if I need anger management class. No, I've been civil in my posts. It's you all who have problems getting your point across without trying to ram it down someone's neck. You're worse then the DIR wannabe crowd.... Ain't happy with what someone say's. Start jumping on him about things that don't pertain to the problem...

Funny how your post are all... "You don't know what you're talking about." Instead of..... The wing can be used like this. Also, the bladder is made of this with an inner liner of this to stop the exterior from damaging the bladder.... If you could come up with something like that. Your posts would be a little more informative about the wing.... Instead you all just want to talk smack...

PadiScubaPro is the only one who's given informative info on the wing.... Other then "It's awesome, I'm diving it tomorrow.." Which doesn't tell any one jack about the wing.......

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