FINAL!!!!! 24 Hr Poll. PPD Sub Forum name.

Which name do you want?

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  • Poll closed .

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hindi, boring nga eh, walang action

just munching on popcorn : sweet & salty

i added a springkling of sage

maka bili nga ng coke light or sprice ice
ballot box snatching .....

BK 24 votes
BP 25 votes

what if kim votes for Bahay Kubo?

that would be a tie.

so lets ask Kim what is he voting for later?


what if SB server or portal goes down by 4:39 pm.... say a virus or spam overloads the bandwidth ....

would we have a failure of elections?
By the way....I hope that everyone who has voted has made themselves eligible by registering themselves in the Introduce yourself thread. As that was required of me in the last poll I believe it should be enforced in this one! :D

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