FINAL!!!!! 24 Hr Poll. PPD Sub Forum name.

Which name do you want?

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ex. mitchamurao

hehehhehe the guy called me as i urged him to vote EARLY this morning, he was a bit in a complaining mood that i disturbed him to vote.


another is Prems

Whoops, it did let me edit. Now I look even sadder:sorry19z:
I also have my suspicions that a sock-puppet has been used!!!!!!

Darn, you mean I spent all morning in the office making these for nothing????


Ish sockpuppet...


Paolo sockpuppet...
By the way....I hope that everyone who has voted has made themselves eligible by registering themselves in the Introduce yourself thread. As that was required of me in the last poll I believe it should be enforced in this one! :D
somebody tell narcd diver he hasn't introduced himself.
Running background checks as we type.............:14:
Just realised, my post # 200 was an apology for screwing up!

What a milestone:knob:

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