FINAL!!!!! 24 Hr Poll. PPD Sub Forum name.

Which name do you want?

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Mike Veitch:
You know Ish, if you could figure out a way to have your avatar bat those eyelashes then no one could resist your wishes.....
Guys, guys, guys....

Why did this topic ever get to this stage? Because of the trouble we were causing with Tagalog, K------ divers etc etc etc.

Basically we're trouble makers. Just ask Kim...

My Tagalog speaking friends translate 'Pasaway', as 'mishievous' or to use another phrase 'TROUBLE MAKER' - how could we possibly call this forum any thing else????

And, as said elsewhere, it DOES sound better (more poetic).

BARANGAY PASAWAY - you knoe it makes sense!

P.S. I'm not just saying this to suck up to Ish, unlike some I could mention...eyebrow
I also have my suspicions that a sock-puppet has been used!!!!!! This is against all electoral protocol and although I can't quite prove it yet - I find it very suspicious that a member with only one post total - but sharing an IP address with two others has seen fit to vote now (on the same side as the two members with the same IP address!!!!)
The rotters (unless they were voting BP)...
Why won't it let me edit? Now I look like a sad computer illiterate.

Hang on, I AM a sad computer illiterate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it may happen when one visits another in the office and logs on the same network.

two people , two usernames login the same time

it happened before and same accusations yet two distinct people.
I also have my suspicions that a sock-puppet has been used!!!!!! This is against all electoral protocol and although I can't quite prove it yet - I find it very suspicious that a member with only one post total - but sharing an IP address with two others has seen fit to vote now (on the same side as the two members with the same IP address!!!!)

You serious. Call em on it. I promise for everybody here that if its not true we will forget about it. If true, kick em out.

Even has one with zero posts except the vote
it may happen when one visits another in the office and logs on the same network.

two people , two usernames login the same time

it happened before and same accusations yet two distinct people.
I agree - it could be (that's why I said 'suspicion'!) In this forum though a member with a total of 1 post since they joined (5 months ago) is a very rare thing - no?
I also have my suspicions that a sock-puppet has been used!!!!!! This is against all electoral protocol and although I can't quite prove it yet - I find it very suspicious that a member with only one post total - but sharing an IP address with two others has seen fit to vote now (on the same side as the two members with the same IP address!!!!)
jeez! even in an online election for a name????

but i checke the BP voters... i can vouch for a vast majority of them as i've seen them post legitimately here or in another thread...

i do have serious doubts about 1 of the voters in the BK... "yomar"... he seems a bit funny to me... :wink:


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