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I was out running errands today, getting last minute things for the trip & when I got home, our youngest son is laying on the couch looking pitiful. He's been throwing up. Noooooooooo, say it ain't so! I hope it's just a little bug that'll be gone by tomorrow and that he doesn't spread his nasty little germs around.
I was out running errands today, getting last minute things for the trip & when I got home, our youngest son is laying on the couch looking pitiful. He's been throwing up. Noooooooooo, say it ain't so! I hope it's just a little bug that'll be gone by tomorrow.

Hope he feels better soon! Don't worry Mom...he'll be better by the time you leave for the airport Tuesday!
oh lovely. I always think that must be one of the worst things about having kids, the constant rounds of someone being sick, giving it to the whole family, then when you get rid of that, some other bug rears its ugly head. But if he got sick today, then he'll probably be pretty well over it by the time you leave.

Drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of rest... you AND your son!
AND the dog, she is throwing up too. I'm scared to go home...
it's the...I am gonna make you feel guilty for leaving me bug :D...hope your son and dog get to feeling better soon....hydrate hydrate hydrate:)
it's the...I am gonna make you feel guilty for leaving me bug :D...hope your son and dog get to feeling better soon....hydrate hydrate hydrate:)

Gees, I hope that's all it is. Not being shallow or selfish here, but the last time I was on a liveaboard with a bunch of Americans (very lovely people they were too) one of them brought a horrid gastro bug on board and shared it with 50% of the people on the boat. Having not had a single sick day off work all year and then have a whole 24 hours taken out of my holiday, not only did I feel wretchedly sick, but felt rather ripped off.

So you can give your son lots of tender loving care, but wrap a hankie round your face and wash your hands.

As for t-shirts being worn for 3 or 4 days. If they're not actually being worn for a full day then that hardly counts as one. I also think that tank tops can go longer due to the fact that they don't sit up underneath your armpits therefore less stinky after several days.... So I guess i';ll just bring the one tank top hehehehee

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