I know foreigners are prohibited from political protests, but this is not about politicians.
Thursday evening at 7
Organized support march for Caribbean Boats

COZUMEL, February 26 .- Hundreds of cozumeleños stand in solidarity with the company Barcos Caribe, before the suspension made by the Ministry of Communications and Transportation to their boats. Through social networks they are calling to participate in a march that they are organizing for next Thursday, March 1st, which will leave the municipal palace at the fiscal pier.
With messages of encouragement for the company, hundreds of inhabitants of the Island of Cozumel, have expressed through social networks the support to the shipping company under the corporate name "Impulsora Marítima de Quintana Roo y del Caribe, SA de CV", named Caribbean Boats, this after the first explosion of the Caribbean I vessel was recorded, tripling the support messages during this weekend in which the news was given that its operations were suspended by indications of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT).
Several islanders are sharing the publication to attend this Thursday, March first at 7:00 p.m. at the municipal palace, where it is presumed, will walk peacefully to the dock where they will make their request for the authorities to consider the community cozumeleña, who say, have seen various benefits through the "third shipping company" that is now suspended.
Among the publications that have made several inhabitants of the Island of Swallows, dictates one issued textually by the user Helson Chacón Osorio: "Regardless of the dilemma of their representatives, dilemma that is shared by other family businesses, maintains a price balance that allow a fair competition and choice of who matters, we users. He gives and employs Cozumel families, in addition to avoiding a monopoly that previously showed discomfort between national and international tourism because of the few options and opportunities for families to cross to the island. " This text is accompanied by a link in which they invite to sign a petition to allow the reactivation of the service to the maritime company.
In other opinions, Fernando Segovia, published the text that dictates: "Thank you" uncomfortable boats "because you showed us that the low fares could if they lied to us for years telling us that they were tariffs imposed for the section by the SCT; because the people who work with you were people from Cozumel and not people who brought from outside to manage your boats. Because when it was raining you would not let us get wet because we delayed your next route; because your crew helped to transfer with all the facilities to the sick and disabled and you did not work them like plagued lumps or you raised them and you got off last because what remedy ".