In a press release, the owners publicly state that they did NOT blow up their own ship. One can only speculate as to why this was necessary. Mods please don't delete this article. Not "Fake News".
They deny "auto sabotage"

COZUMEL, February 4 .- Through a press release, the company of Caribbean Boats, disclaims any act of "self sabotage", as has been handled at the national level, so they require the relevant authorities clarification of the latest events that include since the explosion of the Caribbean I vessel, as well as the discovery of an artifact in the Caribbean II.
From the official page of the company "Impulsora Marítima Quintana Roo y del Caribe SA de CV", this Sunday the official position of the shipping company was made known, after the versions in which through some means of communication at the national level, they signal the company to carry out an "auto sabotage".
In this regard, the document dated March 4 of this year was addressed to society, the media, and even to the authorities of the three levels of government, as well as to the accredited diplomatic corps.
In this letter, they make known about the concern they have as a company, to be able to continue providing the accessible and convenient service to the possibilities -economic- of the community, for what the document dictates:
"In an unprecedented and unexplainable fact, as well as cowardly, full of vileness, stupefied from the last mayor, hustler, sailor, crewman, assistants, mechanics, flight attendants, captains, engineers, shareholder navigators, sharing our greatest concern and demanding prompt action. and expeditious of justice. The trends of transverse information have been confusing and ill-intentioned. "
In this statement they let us know that the objective of the company was to offer efficiency, safety and comfort in the maritime transport of passengers through providing the best prices in the market -considering that any tourist could visit Cozumel with only 150 pesos round trip -, highlighting that prices were thinking about the economy of citizenship.
In another paragraph of the office, highlight their repudiation of recent events, dictating verbatim: "We reiterate the commitment of absolute and full collaboration with the authorities in order that this unfortunate event is clarified promptly, timely, concise and transparent. That the person or persons responsible be punished according to law, for this reason we reiterate on behalf of each and every one of us who integrate this company our absolute and total cooperation so that these facts in question are clarified in the shortest time possible. "
The appreciation is highlighted in the letter because "the PGR, Semar and Sedena are working on the clarification of the events. The referral that is a self-attack, is a very low act without moral basis, which we categorically deny as irresponsible versions try to make it appear with a series of irresponsible rumors and without foundation ".
From the general direction of Barcos Caribe, the society of Cozumela was assured that the shipping company will reserve the appropriate legal action corresponding to the aforementioned case.
It is worth mentioning that despite the versions that attack the maritime company, the society of Cozumela has shown solidarity with the company through marches and demonstrations, which will continue in the near future, according to what was announced in this media, Once the Cozumel families continue asking for the liberation of the shipping company so that it can resume its services on the federal route between Cozumel and Playa del Carmen and vice versa.