Fancy Ads Slowing the Site Down?

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One kilometer high on the Texas Central Plains
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Okay, I was one of the first to voluntarily donate to this fine board, and $48 a year is more than I give to any other site - but worth it to me. Of the anticipated benefits, I expected no ads and as possible - a faster site.

I suppose the income from "Coed Boarding School" (is that a sequel to the "Animal House" series, with all new naked girls?) ads that seem to take up 10% of the screen must bring in big bucks since it's being trust even up on the members who aren't supposed to get ads? I suppose I'm too old for that party, tho.


And surely the top ad must be bringing in major bucks, since it helps take up 50% of the remaining window on opening, even to members excused from ads...


But isn't this a bit much. Did someone get the orders wrong? Move the decimal point to the left? :shakehead:

My big question is how much are the lively, moving ads that seem to run on Flash and other programs slowing the site?? This is not simple JPEG loading, and these flashy irritations have got to be taking an impact. Anyone on dial-up still here...?


UNLESS you are on dial up, these ads will add very little load time to your experience. We are still awaiting our second Web server and that will speed things up for you.
okaaaaay, wondering - TY. I'm seldom on dial-up, don't know how many others often are.
User Breakdown:

Cable 37%
DSL 25%
Other High Speed 24%
T1 - 9.5%
Dialup 3.25%

There are a few others smaller percentages.

The google ad that you are referring to is determined by google based on your browsing history, and relevant content on the site.

If the ad is hosted by us, then it will not cause your page to be delayed, but rather you will see a "loading" or other status until the ad loads. So to put it simply, it's not because of the ads.

The slowness that you speak of really depends on time of day, etc. We are as NetDoc said in the process of adding our second front end "web" server which will balance out the load during our peak times, when more than 1000 users are on the site at once. Also as he said, the advertising revenue pays for these servers that we keep adding to ScubaBoard's arsenal to help maintain the level of service that users expect. It is our top priority to have ScubaBoard stay up, and serve up pages rapidly. :)
The google ad that you are referring to is determined by google based on your browsing history, and relevant content on the site.
Don ... you dog, you.:D
I think Howard said it, but his wit is so subtle and dry.
I think Howard said it, but his wit is so subtle and dry.
And weak enough that I ignored it. So I'm the only one getting ads for Animal House - and this is based on my cookies...?
And weak enough that I ignored it. So I'm the only one getting ads for Animal House - and this is based on my cookies...?
Something like that. You should see mine! CPR training, teaching, ads for instructors, Network admin/systems admin want ads, servers for sale... the weird one because someone appearently hasn't taken stock that I have 3 friggin kids under 5 - impotency assistance! Hmm... maybe they are wanting me to help. Oh, and if my wife uses my laptop for a bit, suddenly I've also got Elmo ads, ThomasTrain, State Park information...

So, Co-eds eh? Peace, love and Merry Christmas to you my friend!! :D
Okay, that's good news. Glad it's Google and my cookies posting the Animal House ads and not SB. I know where this comes from - the sites I visit to gather email cartoons and vids for emails, not that I think anyone will believe that. No, problem - I added my own Flash show to my SIG...

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