Ethics of shooting a "diver"

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I could see the grouch being protective of his students, but only for their safety. A discover scuba class would probably be a lot like herding cats. But it seems in this case he was out only to protect his wallet.

So we end up with a guy with a bad attitude to begin with, so his inappropriate response doesn’t really surprise me, but after giving him the finger, you should of gotten the men on the boat to teach this guy a lesson.

I’m sure they would have been happy to do it for you Catherine. :)

We have a shortage of real men and cats with guns.

No, people never approach me till after they think I got a shot they want. It is sticky. And the DM's are usually guiding certs when they are taking pics,
I see nothing wrong with taking a divers photo especially after a reasonable request was made. Grouch Dude was way, way out of line. It sounds like he missed his medication.

Nice that you took it in stride. I'm afraid I would have pushed the issue a little louder after coming up :(

Sea ya!
Correct me if I am wrong here...isn't likeness of image (in the US) a person's right to grant? Given that, divers giving you their business cards are obviously asking for pics of themselves and willing to conduct a transaction (free, or nominal charge) to get their images? I would think an operator would be happy to have this type of excitement on a boat vs. having an aneurism.

I often shoot video for the fun of it and often just give it away at my own cost. I know it makes them happy and isn't that what it's all about underwater?
I agree Mr. X! I think you are correct. the thing that gets me, is that sometimes I will go on a trip (like Palau #1) and dive with a different operator every couple of days...just to see what its like. If I showed up and was "guarded" by an operator, it would really bug me. Also, if I work as a DM, they alway ask me to not take the camera. (surprise). So, here are these dive guides, hustling double duty, to guide and hawk pictures and be killjoys. I don't like operators that treat every situation like a greenback....Huff.
well, I know he was..."disturbed" but what about taking pictures (as a non-working diver) and having people request them and start giving you their cards in front of the operator who has just taken a lot? And that brings up another issue. Should dive guides be doubling as photogs anyway?
See, I like to take pictures and give them to people. You know, share the love.

Some of the DMs I've seen have barely enough experience to lead the group, let alone take pictures as well. Nothing wrong with wanting to share the love.

Disclaimer: I said SOME DMs. Most are excellent divers in my experience.
Regardless of his motives, if "grouch" had put his hands on me, I would have knocked him off the boat without conversation. Yell if it makes you feel better, but don't touch. ...No good will come of this.
Wow. This was here on the island? Any company in particular? Giving him the finger was letting him off light. Anyone say anything to him on the boat after the fact? I would file or at least call BBB. That was totally uncalled for. Any one posing for a pic wants their pic taken and the DM's don't own the divers they take out plain and simple.
Please let me know who it is so I know to stay clear of that company.
Cement fins, hand cuffed and cut airlines is more like it.
Grouch is in need of a butt whupping. It is one thing to shake a finger at someone as in "please leave my group alone" and another to lay hands on them. If you do something like that to me, we are going to have "issues".

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