Andy... sorry this is the best I could do with my camera... it doesn't want to focus close... so what we have here is a real fuzzy image.
Basically you need to turn the sleeve inside out and then shove the ring into the sleeve *suit side* of the ring first until it is in the seal... then place an o-ring over the seal in the groove of the ring nearest the *glove side of the ring* (which will be furthest in the arm at this point.)
Now comes the hard part... turn the sleeve right side out working the sleeve back over the ring.
Then put the other o-ring over the seal in the groove behind the first one.
The finish product is a seal turn in on itself with a captured 0-ring inside and another o-ring outside. I put a section of wheel barrow inner tube over the exposed seal/suit interface and the outer o-ring.
Basically you need to turn the sleeve inside out and then shove the ring into the sleeve *suit side* of the ring first until it is in the seal... then place an o-ring over the seal in the groove of the ring nearest the *glove side of the ring* (which will be furthest in the arm at this point.)
Now comes the hard part... turn the sleeve right side out working the sleeve back over the ring.
Then put the other o-ring over the seal in the groove behind the first one.
The finish product is a seal turn in on itself with a captured 0-ring inside and another o-ring outside. I put a section of wheel barrow inner tube over the exposed seal/suit interface and the outer o-ring.