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CJ Baynes ... aka "SeaJay" ... wrote one of the all-time great Fundamentals reviews several years back on ScubaBoard. He was a prolific poster here for a few years ... and a bit of a controversial character (I think most of it was for entertainment purposes). He still visits the board from time to time ... I saw him posting not too long ago, in fact. Calls himself "Deep South Divers" ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
OK, what's the joke. Who is SeaJay?

One clue needed here...

Go to my "What is DIR Sticky" at the top of the DIR forum. Scroll down the bottom where you'll find a list of class reports. Click that link and SJ's class report is included in it. After you read that, click his user name and read some of the other posts he made through the years. Take some popcorn with you.
I just wanted those who were not aware, to know there IS a real difference....
Personally, if I know a US company inovated and perfected something I need, I will be willing to pay a little more for it, than to a "knock off" parasite in someplace in the far east. If we make it so that the American Inovators can't have our business because of knock off companies doing things cheaper, we get to the sorry state of appliances available for your home today.....
Example.....when Sandra and I redid our kitchen, original applainces all still working since 1975, we went to Home Expot and got the best brands we could afford, expecting another 20 years at least of life out of the kitchen appliances. Brands like Jennaire dominated our purchases....The new microwave failed out of the box, and again 3 months later. The oven was made with computer-like circuit board on top of the oven door, to provide unneeded bells and whistles, and every 6 months or so the circuit board is "cooked", and the oven useless..the list goes on....all made in china instead of the US, for cheap labor and retail cheaper than possible by American brands like we had in the 70's.

When someone tells me they can get an Oxycheck wing for much less than a Halcyon wing, it makes me sad to think how short sighted divers are becoming. When we were kids, we were "forced" to learn history by parents and teachers. The reason was simple...If you don't understand what happened in the past, it will keep repeating--history is crucial so you can spot trends that have happened historically for hundreds or thousands of years.
The really sad thing is, Americans DO NOT PROCESS the information of history, and they do not learn from it.

Off topic, here, but-->> Last fall we replaced our crappy GE dishwasher- 6 years old- with a BOSCH. Made in North Carolina, by North Carolinians. Bought it from a local dealer, and it came with special Local Dealer upgrades that made it more attractive than choices from Home Depot, Lowes, Best Buy or Sears. I put about 75 miles on my vehicle comparing units. It is quieter than our coffeemaker, and works great. No weird mold growths.

Hey- Techs! It's SS lined! :D.

So, let's see. . . the cheaper, crappy imported GE unit blew chunks and died quickly. Who got our money for that? Some went to the taxman, some went to the Big Box employees, more went to the Big Box shareholders, some went to the trucker, some went other places, but most went to a communist nation. Pennies went to the workers who put it together or made the parts.

The Bosch spread my money to. . . the salesman, the small business she works for, the taxman, the trucker, the Bosch shareholders, some went other places, and a bunch went to North Carolinian workers. I won't pretend the whole thing was made with US parts from US resources- I am from Bethlehem and saw Bethlehem Steel shrivel and die.

Yes. It's a free market. . . . My flag boy told your flag boy, "I'm gonna set your flag on fire."
Here is an inspirational video for the OP. That is why we need an Open water cert before we can dive off a charter.
This is a video pulled off the dive supervisors console.

YouTube - ‪Saturation Divers North Sea‬‏

BTW - "Akimbo" ... I may have run into you in the past. If you were in the north sea - Oil Platform 40's Alpha in the late '80's early '90's. There was an American diver whose dive name was "Kimbo" wondered if you were he.

Here is an nice inspirational video for those who wonder what the DIR fuss is about

Ambient Culture DIR Dive Sessions

Does this look like "just for technical diving"?

Why would you NOT want to dive like this?
Ahh, did anybody else catch the part about who his idol is? I think you guys just got TROLLED!!! Too funny LOL

Clarify for me?
No, I'm afraid it isn't.

I suggest you find out what it is before you decide if it is a good fit

OK, please allow me to summarize what I have seen so far. You start a thread in which you rhapsodize about how great DIR diving is and ask if anyone knows about it. It turns out that a lot of people know about it and are DIR trained, some of them extremely extensively DIR trained. You continue to talk about it, and some of them, as politely as possible, suggest to you that you should get some training in it befere going on, because the things you are saying are not really DIR. You, who have no DIR training whatsoever, then reply by telling the people who have DIR training that they are wrong.

All right, if you think you know more about it than everyone else, that's fine with me. I just wonder how George Irvine would have worded a response.

Wow. I try to defend people who I like and who's information I trusted and I get bashed and belittled. Nice people on this forum eh?

...and yes, I do idolize him. He is living the American Dream: he has a nice home, does a career he loves, makes good if not great money for his work, he is a really nice guy, etc. So yea...I owned my own Construction/Contracting company where I did moderate to high end remodeling...tore my self up, busted my ass, for what? A small home and nothing to show for it that I am proud of? Excuse me if I am not the all superior diver you and others are that seem to like to mock me.

Please excuse me while I bow down to kiss the ground you and your expert collegues walk upon, on second thought...never mind...(not going to go there) will only cause more problems then y'all brought to this already.

I asked about DIR, some of you bashed the F out of it and then took this in 8 or 10 different directions from what I wanted to know.

Appreciate it.

I will love to post here again for questions answered....NOT.
I will work for my great mentor/idol SaeJay on the side

This explains a great deal.

AnubisDiver, your posts about the secondary reg habits of the people with whom you dive, based on depth, tell me that you are involved with a group of people who may have done some DIR training, but have gone on, over time, to modify the system to suit their own ideas. DIR is not like that. The system is the system; equipment, gases, procedures -- everything is standardized, and you don't change what your equipment looks like because you are doing a different sort of dive. In fact, the consistency of the setup and the procedures, from single-tank recreational diving on 32%, to deep staged decompression diving with multiple stages and deco bottles, is one of the great strengths of the system. If the people you are diving with have changed things, then they took their DIR training, enjoyed the parts of it that they liked, and went off in their own direction. But if it isn't standardized, it isn't DIR -- I think you can say that, no matter what your flavor of DIR diving is.

I wish you well with your class. Your mentor's Fundies reports were very powerful to me, when I was a new diver contemplating Fundamentals.
CJ Baynes ... aka "SeaJay" ... wrote one of the all-time great Fundamentals reviews several years back on ScubaBoard. He was a prolific poster here for a few years ... and a bit of a controversial character (I think most of it was for entertainment purposes). He still visits the board from time to time ... I saw him posting not too long ago, in fact. Calls himself "Deep South Divers" ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Bob, you state he is a "controversial character" yet isn't that what several people on this thread are? At least IMO, that's how I view them and their posts.

Why do y’all bash a guy for his beliefs? This isn't completely directed at you Bob, it is at all that bash him OR myself for even mentioning him AND asking questions.

Do you believe in God? Yes? No?

If yes, do I sit here and tell you there is no God and trash talk your beliefs in him?

If no, do I try to convince you that you need to believe in him, that you are inferior if you don't? just don't understand the animosity amongst the people here towards other divers.

Isn't this supposed to be a forum where people can come talk about a COLLECTIVLY LOVED passion??? So far, the only thing I get from this place...minus a few people on here whom genuinely care and want to that if you aren’t a primo diver then get the Fk-off this forum. That's what it sure feels to me. Thanks.
CJ Baynes ... aka "SeaJay" ... wrote one of the all-time great Fundamentals reviews several years back on ScubaBoard. He was a prolific poster here for a few years ... and a bit of a controversial character (I think most of it was for entertainment purposes). He still visits the board from time to time ... I saw him posting not too long ago, in fact. Calls himself "Deep South Divers" ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Someone needs to ask him if he set his world record yet.

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