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i like diving so much that when i got made redundant 6 weeks ago i turned down 3 jobs earning good money to go work in my local dive centre. the pay isn't great but i'll get to dive almost every day.
the weather on the west coast of ireland has been so bad this year that we still havn't been able to launch the boat, so i've done 3 dives of the slip into 4 meters of water just so i could get in the water
I am SO enjoying this thread . . . There are some WONDERFUL posts here. Thanks, everybody!
I love the feeling of weightlessness, the silence, the ocean life, gliding through the deeps..... It's so peaceful, so beautiful, so quiet, and there's something about diving that makes me so FULLY PRESENT, and fills me with such awe and reverence, that it's as much spiritual as it is, physical. I hope it never becomes passe` or blase`... It's like being a dream in the mind of God.
Great thread!!! As I thought about the question "Do I like diving" I came to the conclusion that I like everything about diving. The lion's share of my diving has been vacation diving in beautiful, exotic places. When I'm finished diving for the day I'm in places like Fiji, Tahiti, Costa Rica, to name a few. Not too shabby. The people I've met, the new friendships I have due to diving are incredible, not to mention the old friendships rekindled. The things I've seen, bull sharks in Costa Rica, mantas in La Paz, thousands of sharks in Tahiti, the Great White Wall in Fiji, swimming with tarpon in Mexico and all the small stuff and coral, awesome. All these things are the BONUS PLAN in my life. The more I dive, the more fine tuned my buoyancy becomes, making the experience that much better. Again, great thread.
I don't know yet, OW certified at the end of Oct '06 and have not been able to do any real diving yet. I'll let you know this time next year. Based on my OW cert dives I am going to love it (if I forget about the 40 deg air temp, 35mph winds and the white caps on the quarry) but the water was a "warm" 55 deg. at the surface.
The earth is 3/4 water and 1/4 land. Therefore we should be diving 3/4's of the time!

That makes more sense then anything i've ever heard before

You are now my idol :D
I think that divers who truly love diving, for the sake of being underwater, have a connection to the undersea environment that others do not posess. Maybe we had gills in a past life:)
I'm told I'm a pretty good diver, but I haven't a clue. I'm hooked on the stuff I see while I'm using SCUBA as my tool to observe and film.

Two weekends ago I spent 46 minutes following and filming a mantis shrimp out in the open. When I finally surfaced, I was hooting and hollering! Captain Tony said "Only Dr. Bill can excited by spending 46 minutes with a worm." Now Tony is a great dive boat captain, but he's a lousy biologist... mantis shrimp are arthropods, not worms!
I have been finning with mask and snorkel at the local YMCA trying to get my winterized legs ready for the season. Yesterday, I ended my session with finning along the bottom for the entire length of the pool 5 times. I remember thinking (underwater at the bottom of the pool) how much I liked just being underwater, even if the only sites were the tile lines and band-aids on the bottom.

I have very early memories, 35 years before I ever donned a tank, of spending as much time at the bottom of the pool as I could, while all the other kids were splashing around in the shallow end. Dad would always say "there he goes playing frogman again"

I hate how long it took me to actually get certified, but life happened, but all 3 of my kids are certified, and my youngest (15, a 3 year dive veteran) wants do do his senior project on something dive related. He is only a freshman. :D

The love of the water must be a genetic pre-disposition.

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