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It's all about the diving baby!

I love to explore and see things that I've never seen before, but like lynne said in her original post "just being underwater"...that's where I'm perfectly happy even if I see only sand, or mud, or zero vis.

If you've ever had a "flying dream"...Well that's what diving is to me. It's that much fun.
Yes, I like diving. I like just being there, hovering, breathing. Not really even looking around much sometimes. I like looking at stuff, too, but for me the main thing is being there, where I'm not supposed to be. I like floating at all kinds of wierd angles, and just hovering, motionless, neutral. I like when you turn off the lights at night and slowly watch the world change as your eyes adjust. I like when you finally relax, and let the surge push you around, and stop being so paranoid about getting bashed into the rocks and just go with the flow, like all the other plants and animals. I like when look at something that looks like nothing, and look, and look, and you realize that you're looking at some fantastic being that has it's own life, and it's own world, and you're just a visitor, so oblivious to it's world that you didn't even realize it was right there in front of you the whole time. And I leave it there. And I take it back with me. And I still have it. Yes, I like diving.
Born and raised on the water. My dad was an Navy Instructor. He threw us kids into the water before we could walk. I was one of the survivors:D I have been diving a long time. Each time I go to a new place and get into the water, I am mezmorized at the secenery around me. The noiseless enviroment and just the sounds of bubbles racing past my ears. I have loved it for many years and will always.

Jimmy Buffett said "Mother Mother ocean, I have heard you call, I have wanted to ride upon your waters since I was three feet tall, you have seen it all, you have seen it all." Then "within your belly you hold as treasure that most men have never seen" Well folks I have seen that treasure and it is great. So I will keep diving as long as I am allowed. I am not ready to give it up yet! Course I am a pirate, 200 years too late, my cannons don't thunder, there's nothin to plunder, I'm an over 60 victim of fate, and I arrived too late. But I bee here and still diving.

When I get up in the morning I am thankfull I am looking down on green grass and not up at brown roots!

Interesting thoughs. I am headed to Freeport first week in May and will dive my head off again, again, and again.
I love it. The sensations are fantastic. When I was a kid I always dreamed I could fly-that is what diving feels like to me.
When asked "Why do you dive in the wintertime if there are no fish, etc. to see?" I reply "Because I don't dive to see things, I dive to dive."
I love the confined spaces of wrecks and caves. I like taking pics of "things that move" too (can you tell fish and stuff isn´t that high on my list?).

I also love "just diving". Which is a good thing considering the amount of crappy/ok dives you need to do to "earn" great ones...

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