Help with mask clear in cold water

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I’m hoping it is just a mental block and clicks one day. Just hoping someone on here has a tip to get past a mental block.
Don't think about it. Sounds like you hyped up the skill 4 years ago and now have a constraint from that. At your home put your mask on, inhale through your mouth, exhale through your nose. Build up a routine and muscle memory on land and it may help in the water. If needed, press the top of your man like you're clearing it. Take what we're talking about is you're ability to exhale right now, not the actual clearing. Hope this helps.
Don't think about it. Sounds like you hyped up the skill 4 years ago and now have a constraint from that. At your home put your mask on, inhale through your mouth, exhale through your nose. Build up a routine and muscle memory on land and it may help in the water. If needed, press the top of your man like you're clearing it. Take what we're talking about is you're ability to exhale right now, not the actual clearing. Hope this helps.
I’d imagine it’s absolutely from those issues when I started. I will keep practising! I have a rule before I shower every day to fill my mask with cold water and get it out and the moment even if it takes 30 try’s 😂
I’m also making a point to try it at the end of every dive in a shallow area
I’ve had two students that could not breath out through there nose. They never got to open water as it was (is) unsafe to be underwater and not able to clear the mask.

When in warm water are you clearing near the surface or below 15m.
Just a shallow area 4-5m on my certification dives
When you spoke to the medical people did you ask them to check whether your sinus constrict when cold.
i just described the issue to them and she found a lot of inflammation so prescribed the spray
Sounds like it is mental.

I remember my dad teaching us children how to blow your nose. He just placed his hand firmly over the child"s mouth, denied them the ability to breath, and soon the snot came flying out. I haven't thought about that in years, it sounds a little brutal now, but I presume he used it on me and saw him do it to my younger siblings. LOL
Sounds mental. Two things to try WITHOUT a mask:
1. Start the exhale above the water, continuing as you gradually put more of your face in the water.
2. Underwater, close your eyes before initiating exhalation. (Feel free to open them after starting.)

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