Do you have a particular buddy?

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i have several fairly regular buddies. jason b & jeandiver are the most frequent appearances in my logbook. they are both great divers & willing mentors. it's a bit funny - i have 150 dives now, and only 2 were with people i didn't meet online. one's my aunt's hubbie, and one's a guy i met at the shop while i was taking cavern & intro. so if anyone doubts the usefullness of scubaboard, doubt no longer!!
This is one of the things I worry about. What does some guy's wife think when I call up and ask to talk to him . . . when he takes off and spends a whole Saturday with another woman. Those of us who dive understand this relationship, and my husband, who dives, understands it, although he may resent it a little; but what does a wife think of a husband who runs off and spends all day with another woman, doing something she doesn't understand? I always worry I'm going to get my dive buddies into trouble.

Since my SO does not dive, never will, she would feel sort of crummy if I met and began buddying with a great looking lady diver exclusively. I understand that totally when I reverse the roles, which is what you have to do to be honest. If she comes along she's cool with it but I doubt she'd be ok with me traveling off to some sunny clime for a week alone with a female dive bud. A day trip would be fine.

When you live in a place like NY, Chicago, North Dakota etc, you have to travel to dive and that involves schedules. That complicates the buddy thing. You can meet dozens of potential buddies, as I have, but not be able to get the same time off to go diving. When you live in places like Florida, Hawaii,or Australia that is different. Not having a designated dive buddy creates a whole different set of dive issues.Don't get me started. :)

How does your husband feel when a man calls up to go diving with you?
I got certified with my son and brother-in-law last year, and my son was my regular dive buddy for the rest of the year.

This year so far though he has only dove with me on a trip and one local dive because he gets cold easily, so I have been diving with a few people I met here on ScubaBoard. If it was'nt for SB, I'd be left in the dry untill the water warmed up. :wink:
I too used to have "regular" dive buddy up until last winter. My brother just seemed to have lost all interest in diving. We've made a couple of dives since but nothing like the last 2 years where almost every logbook entry had my brother as my buddy.

The nice thing about diving with the Lake Lanier Loonie Birds is that you will have no problem finding a buddy. On the last few dives I've buddied up the The Kraken or skierch (which is my instructor). I'm learning alot from these two divers. If either you are reading this Thanks for the dives!

I have several buddies, we'll generally go to sites in a group of about half a dozen, then we'll buddy up for the dive. I'll always buddy with the same girl, she's my housemate and all but one of my dives after certification have been with her.
"The great thing about diving is, every time you go down there, you suck a little bit less." (Joe Talavera)

So, the corollary is, "the less you go down there the more you suck?" Non sequitur?
How does your husband feel when a man calls up to go diving with you?

I thought about this one briefly and realized that my husband doesn't have to deal with men calling me up to go diving. That's because my buddies know better than to try to reach me by phone . . . everything gets done by e-mail :)

As far as I can tell, he doesn't object to me going diving with other men. He does object to me going diving instead of getting any useful work done . . .

Regarding my sig line, it was sure true for me that I sucked a lot more when I had a lot fewer dives!
Most of my dives early on were with the dive shop so for awhile it seemed like the owner/instructor was my buddy. I really never considered students buddies even though there were lots of them. Being constantly looking after them for many dives is I believe one of the reasons I started soloing. To decompress as it were from this. Also I felt that I was being hindered in my own interests and to some extent skill development. I'm the only one in our group that dives with a can light. I carry a pony on half of the teaching dives and all of my solo ones. I've buddied up with some of the more experienced divers from our circle and have found either skill, philosophical, or even safety issues that have forced me to reevaluate diving with them. The last two pleasure outings for me have been with a guy who was diving with us sometimes but not actually my buddy. He and his regular buddy both went through fundies together and tested together in Grand Cayman. Well his regualar had a hip replacement and developed a subsequent infection and may not be back in the water for a good while. I'd been planning to go to BPW anyway but diving with him has been a real eye opener and alot of fun. Schedules are actually similar and even though we did not make it this weekend to the lake because of family stuff on my end we seem to be on the same page and he also has shown me the benefits of his training. I think I actually worked more on trim, buoyancy, and kicking in the last 8 dives we've done than I had in the last 50 while working with students. It showed also on the most recent instructional outing. I'd like to dive regualr with this guy. Don't know if I'll go full DIR but it's being considered. My instructor has even stopped trying to talk me out of soloing, and even seels a little perturbed at times when I dive with others and talk about what a great time we had especially when the agencies/philosophies are different. But I don't let this bug me. I'm having fun, learning alot, and improving my skills. I would really like to have a regular buddy with the same interests and skills but I don't live in an area where this is easy to find.
yea...sticking with the LDS that i always dive with.Learning from the instructors and the owner who is also tech inclined:D I'm not going to dive with the club in my sch due to some issues that i feel might compromise my safety,although i will help out in the admin work.
Just because I was nice to you doesn't mean I've forgotten my twenty!:mooner:
My regular buddy is my wife. I met her 9 years ago. Not through SCUBA board. We started diving together. I only have 12 more dives than she does total... for various reasons, mostly her not being in Florida when I was... :D

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