Do you have a particular buddy?

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I generally dive with JBD from the board (he has been MIA for awhile as I had been).
Well yes he has ... and I miss him.

Please tell him that I said howdy, and that I'd enjoy hearing from him sometime (I lost his e-mail addy somehow) ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Don't have a buddy right now... i'm returning from my hiatus from diving. Yeahhh... i'll be posting alot of "buddy wanted for ____" threads. :D
I don't often get the chance to dive for "fun", but when I do I enjoy diving with my husband (turtleguy9). I don't have to know where we're going, I can follow and trust him blindly.

I too enjoy my dives with Catherine. We are very similar divers, have the same interests, we can stay at one spot and just look for the right composition, understand each other with out words. I admire her grace underwater and that for her every second spent underwater is a photo opt. I'm happy that I found such a compatible dive and surface buddy here on SB.
I don't think I have a single favorite but most of my dive buddies I have met here. All are good and I learn something from each and every one of them. Lisa and Catherine have done wonders for my pic taking skills, others have turned me on to more tec diving toys, one in particular showed me what true bouyance control is all about, thanks Snowbear, and most are just fun to dive with and chat during the SI. Oh ya, then there is my buddy that I take home after :)... Yup, she would have to be my pick.
I'm still very new to the sport, but my primary dive buddy is my wife. We certified together, dive together, and generally have a lot of fun together.
How does your wife feel about you spending all that time with your buddy?

This is one of the things I worry about. What does some guy's wife think when I call up and ask to talk to him . . . when he takes off and spends a whole Saturday with another woman. Those of us who dive understand this relationship, and my husband, who dives, understands it, although he may resent it a little; but what does a wife think of a husband who runs off and spends all day with another woman, doing something she doesn't understand? I always worry I'm going to get my dive buddies into trouble.
Heck, Im in trouble all the time for diving with my "playmates".....But then again, most of my close friends are female. She will just have to learn to deal with it. I dive with who ever is available no matter what shape there BC is.
This is one of the things I worry about. What does some guy's wife think when I call up and ask to talk to him . . . when he takes off and spends a whole Saturday with another woman. Those of us who dive understand this relationship, and my husband, who dives, understands it, although he may resent it a little; but what does a wife think of a husband who runs off and spends all day with another woman, doing something she doesn't understand? I always worry I'm going to get my dive buddies into trouble.

Honestly, my SO does not have it. He will not permit SB if he is home. He is already asking me about when he gets home, I should not be on. Yikes...I will be a closet poster.
Luckily I have a few dive buddies. My dive instructors husband has dove alot with me for fun and for further instruction, (actually she probably likes it so she gets him out of her hair and someone else can get cold instead of her). A second buddy is actually my boss and we usually only dive on dive trips together not locally, we have learned to dive real well together, she is a great navigator and great at spotting stuff. I also have another buddy, met on the internet when he was moving to the area. We have alot of fun just trying to go diving and talking alot about diving and occasionally diving. Belong to a dive club so occasionally paired up with someone who I enjoy doing further dives with.
Lets just hope it's the neurotic thoughts that come to us all when we are stuck away from the people we love. ya talk to them then hang up and thoughts start running through your head, " now what is she up to?" " who is she realy going to see?"...Not that I ever had that kind of thoughts.

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