Do you have a particular buddy?

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When I was in high school, my parents gave me a scuba course as the only thing I wanted for Christmas. The pool sessions were at a community pool where I was a lifeguard. One of the other students was this *really* annoying girl I knew from physics class. Unfortunately, she wasn't a great swimmer, so guess who got assigned as her buddy? :(

She's been my only buddy, really, for a while now. We did lots of courses in college as P.E. (Advanced Open Water, Divemaster, Assistant Instructor), then slowed down while she was putting me through medical school. It's been over 25 years now. Our 11 year-old is now starting to dive with us. Her swimming got much better over time, by the way.

On one hand, we know each other's diving skills and gear as if they were our own. We know what we need help with and when to stay out of the way. We've always got a buddy available when one of us feels like diving, no matter where or when. We've got all our lies about the size of that eagle ray down to a science. It's fun and comfortable.

On the other hand, whatever bad diving habits we may have we learned together, so will be blind to them. We don't really have any "buddy skills" such as going over signals or procedures before a dive. We never have a buddy who hasn't heard all our old diving stories (including our poor kid).
How does your wife feel about you spending all that time with your buddy?:D
... and to add to it, having a kid as well?:D
I didn't want to mention that. It might be a secret.
I lost my buddy when he went to Iraq for a while. I have been lucky to dive with some great divers while he is away. One of my favorite people is Justleesa. I don't talk too much about it because we have kept her mod job and my problem child nature flawlessly seperate. (I think) She is a great diver, and very humble. The opposite of me... She is very relaxed and brave, has good judgement but does not wring her hands about every little thing. Very cool person and anyone who knows her always has a deepening respect for "how she is". One of those people who is often behind the scenes, handling things with great finesse.

She can dive with anyone, any style. If she is there, it only can be a plus. I am constantly amazed that she never beats her chest or blows her own horn. Very low key.

Chris, captain of the Elysium is a tech diver who is a little crazy, but will probably always live to see another day. He was a Navy salvage diver and knows how to improvise all kinds of creative ways because he has a vast second nature grasp of the math, the physics, etc. I would never try and do what he does, but I appreciate his passion for diving. He took me to the engine room the first time because I asked him if he would and I wanted to try and lick my claustrophobia tendency, which was getting worse. I love diving with him because I can push things more than I would solo, and I feel he is a worthy guardian.

Two very different divers, both a perfect fit for me on a fun dive. I consider them both solo divers.

When JB comes home, that will be great too. Everything is funny to him. He takes diving reasonably serious, but when things go wrong (we floated 45 minutes, right after we met, in big swells), he makes me laugh. Everything is a big joke. He has a wicked does leesa by the way. I like diving with people that if you ended up adrift with them and it got really sucky, they would entertain you to the end.
And she's a great photographer, too!
My girlfriend is really into diving; this kind of surprised me since she's from USAville Texas, not really a waterlogged kid like me. We got certified together and she has grown quite attached to the sport.

My only complaint would be that her hand signals get really intricate, sometimes it's I just look at her like I'm an idiot and then she screams at me through her Reg. Now she has a slate and I can't ignore her u/w demands anymore:D
My dad has been my diving buddy for 25 years. He is 61 now and I hope to have many many years of great diving together to come. I also dive with my brother about once a year and my wife is getting certified in a few months, so hopefully I keep my diving buddies in the family. If you cannot trust family who can you trust?
I solo dive. After diving for a while with one close friend of mine, I discovered he was not someone to be in the water with...Neptune is toying with his gear and head. His endless equipment problems, lack of exercise, and kicked up silt led me to go it alone.

As a photographer I am not a lot of fun to dive with anyway. Occasionaly I go with my good friend (and excellent diver) Don D. who agrees to leave his speargun at home, or Brenda who is of like mind and camera.
My wife is my favourite dive buddy. We work well together underwater and as I have had the pleasure of diving with her since her 5th dive I have been able to mold her into a brilliant little diver.

Only problem is that she isnt into diving as frequently as I am so I tend to have lots of different buddies, although none of them like to dive as frequently as I do either.

I tend to solo a little...
Claudette (HBDiveChica) is my first call. She's a skillful, confident buddy who is in all ways my peer in the water, and finding her was a complete blessing. An excellent spotter when I'm shooting, patient with all my wacky quirks, no ego, open, FUN, assertive, honest, punctual, a superbly conditioned athlete, positive, focused, attentive, strong, predictable (no Crazy Ivans) intuitive, emotive and full of love. She still has that new diver wanderlust after hundreds of dives - that is so important to me. I place my life in her hands without hesitation.

Everyone else is tied for second.


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