Diving with men

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...gave up wrecking after I moverd to Florida. All the wrecks I dived at the other side of the pond were natural not artificial reefs, no gold or ships fittings all my dreams dashed ....

Well, if you want to dive a few cool wrecks, come north and dive with the Deep South Divers. Give me a yell and I will put you on to a really cool wreck. Promise. As for treasure, there's plenty here in our Lowcountry waters. Wanna search for a megladon tooth? You'll have to get some instruction on low vis diving. And, it may come from a tiny southern lady. Hahahaha

Anyway. R
Much better, if I had a pug I would name it McFly.....My Old English Bulldog is named Daffodil.
When did simple common courtesy disappear in this world? If someone follows me through a door, I hold it open for them whether they are woman or man. If someone needs help carrying things, I do likewise. For someone to be offended by an act of common courtesy is a quick way to be added to my list of "not worth knowing." If the act explicitly indicates a belief that a woman is weaker or incapable, that might be a different story but I have always seen women as equals in the things that were important to me (intelligence being a major one).

Dr. Bill
Thanks for the invite I may take you up on it sometime right now Im saving all my pennys to travel/dive I would like to say before I die I have done all the sea's of the world this year it was PNG Coral sea and GBR next year Im not sure its still up for grabs but not as far away as this year.
Low viz no problems, whilest in the military we had to do nill viz and night dives with no lights alone on the end of a rope given directions from the surface. I never new what the point of this was other than a confidence builder ? beats the hell out of me I just did as I was told, ( every womans dream ) (joke) dont kill me. Thats when I found out what being alone was like I will admit it scared the pants of me.
Thanks for the invite ...
Low viz no problems, .... Thats when I found out what being alone was like I will admit it scared the pants of me.

Invite stands. Just give a yell when you want to come dive with us.

Diving no/low viz can give you the willys. :)

Dr. Bill I agree. Good manners and gesters of common courtesy are sometimes rare but when they are present they should be seen as insulting.


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