"I for one have never been a If you are lucky I might let you scratch me kinda person. I know many women who are very much not like that. If those are the only women you have been around then you need to get a new source to find women. And, a lot of men cant handle an unconditionally devoted, protective, intelligent woman who depends on you
who gives without demands."
I agree with that.
" Women like cats because of the affection and the response that what they are doing is appreciated. When I scratch my cat, he purrs and gives me affection back."
I am more of a dog person. I have both but I really enjoy my dogs company more than I do my cats company. My dogs can entertain me for hours, give me company when i need it, enjoy my cooking (even if others don't), they entertain themselves and me just by wacthing them, all in all dogs are so much better than cats. LOL
"But, I will tell you this - this whole issue is just that. An issue, something people make into a big deal that really isn't. This whole men/women as a buddy thing with respect to capability is over worked and tired."
Agreed but it is so much fun to see peoples opinions.
" I will tell you that the (dive) gear is sometimes cumbersome for me to handle because I am small and all my gear weighs almost the same as I. This only means it may take me an extra trip when someone else would make one less. "
Not me I will bring a buddy to help, so i dont have to make that extra trip. hehe
"So, everyone should figure out how to row together and enjoy the ride at the same time instead of debating whos the better rower; who is the intentional slacker; who expects the other to do all the rowing; etc. BTW, if you find yourself in a situation where you are doing all the rowing and you feel you should not be, you should talk to the person you are supposed to be rowing with. Communicate and things with work better. And, if you have a problem helping another diver with their gear then you should address that problem directly."
Couldnt have said it better. And that goes for all aspects of life not just diving.
"On a lighter note, yes I have complained about breaking a nail on a dive trip."
Me too. :wavey: