Diving Jupiter, March 26th

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Was a great day of diving guys!!! Jupiter continues to grow as my favorite reef dive spot---so many critters, so little time! I loved that green moray too; you just have to wonder if he knows he's teasing us! And all those turtles were just WAITING to pose for us!
Congrats Darrell on finally seeing that elusive Shark!
Thanks Kim for getting this set up; also, those spare tanks are always available to borrow if you need them in the future.

So, what's next weekend? :D
hey there that was a great charter and I had a ton of fun! thanks for the lasana and letting me stay at your place vickie and daryl. I posted a few photos of some sharks, a turtle, a pretty cool eel that looks like a snake and one of those mamoth groupers. thanks again guys!
What a perfect dive of diving.... The morning started out wonderfully with all nine of us SB'ers being at the boat dock ahead of schedule. We unloaded gear, parked, and got ready to take off. The day couldn't have been any more beautiful. Captain Paul gave us the run down on the safety of the boat and such as Mike (deck hand who never has much too say, but is always one step ahead of what you need) quickly freed us from the dock. The sun beaming down warm us all, as Kimberly our (favorite) DM briefed us on our up coming dive site. The first reef, Bonnie's reef, named by Captain Paul because it's beauty reminded him of his wife, was amazing. At 80 feet deep with viz right around 70 feet or so we saw an array of life. Nice distinctive ledges, with tons of hiding spots for critters. We saw a beautiful green moray (big) out swimming around. I think maybe she was even a little more curious of us then we were of her..... ok, well maybe not, but she was somewhat fascinated with us too. We saw a turtle, a sting ray, a nice size nurse shark, and all the other local fish here.

Had a few laughs on the surface interval before Kimberly briefed us on our next location.. My favorite (woohoo!!) The Tunnels!!!! This is a MUST DO place. Nice swim through with a few humongous Goliath Grouper tucked up under the ledges. And let the record show, the ever elusive 10 foot bull shark once again showed her pretty face, only this time I didn't get to see her, Kimberly (DM) and my Husband got the opportunity this time. The rest of us did get to share water with a beautiful little Black tip reefie (she was about 4-5 ft). Again we saw a few nurse sharks, turtle, sting rays and all their little food...um... I mean friends. We maxed out this site at 74 feet and even though the viz tends to drop a bit here, the residents on this reef more than made up for it. I kept this dive a bit short knowing I had two more dive to do in West Palm Beach later so I came up before seeing the several other Black tip reefies, and another bull shark that our gracious Dm Kimberly reported when she got back to the boat.

All in all, everyone had a fantastic dive.. There were lots of smiles and laughter on the boat ride in. It remains to be said, Jupiter Dive Charter is hands down, my favorite dive operation in that area. You couldn't get me on a different boat out of Jupiter!

I added a few of the pictures to my gallery since I wasn't able to get them up linked directly here.
Links to pics?

I had a great time meeting all of you and of course drift diving in Jupiter. This was definitely the best big animal encounter I have had since the Bahamas with plenty of nurse sharks in the area. I wish my air consumption was better for the second dive so I wouldn't have missed the bull and other black tip sharks. I guess I was more excited seeing all nurse sharks, stingrays,turtles, and goliath groupers that I sucked more air than normal.

Thanks to Kim and Vicky for putting this together. I wish I could've made it to the party afterwards but I had to pack up for my 13 hr drive back to Virginia, the former home of Krista and Jeff (the one). I should be back down to Florida either around Thanksgiving or XMAS/New Years timeframe, so I will be looking you guys up again. If no one is available I am heading back to Jupiter and checking out the lemon sharks.

I will post my pictures as soon as possible and will put a note on this thread.

I did pass a diving milestone with the 2nd dive, I finally passed 1500 minutes of bottom time with my 47th dive. I will pass the 50 dive plateau in NC. That's not too bad for just starting Aug 04.

I am heading out to NC 1-3 April for some wreck diving and to get Wreck Diver certified with my other diving buddies the NC Wreck Divers.


Mid-Atlantic Bottom Feeders
NC Wreck Divers
Florida Conch Divers
Glad you had a good time. Anytime you are in the area just give a shout and we will try to hook up again to dive. Diving is great, but I enjoy it even more when I am with a group who has the same love for it.

Hope you made it home safely. Good luck on your wreck course, it's something I have been wanting to do for a while. I would love to dive the wrecks of the NE but it's so COLD. Maybe someday in a dry suit. Anyhow, enjoy!
Good luck on your wreck course, it's something I have been wanting to do for a while. I would love to dive the wrecks of the NE but it's so COLD. Maybe someday in a dry suit. Anyhow, enjoy!


NC Wreck Diving is actually not cold. This weekend the bottom temps will probably be in the low 60s. But in the summertime, it gets in the mid 70s. So if you handled the bottom temps in Jupiter on Saturday, you can definitely handle diving in NC. This will be my first time down there for diving but not my last. I have to hit the wrecks that have tons of sand tiger sharks on them and of course some of the U-boats.

Thanks again for everything and I look forward to diving with you and the rest of the Conch Divers in the near future. If you guys ever want to do something up north just let us know.


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