Dive reports with beach/weather conditions

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My 12 yr. old and I did 2 dives, 1st was at Service club

Seas- 1-2
Vis- 0-10'
From the beach to 18' I could barely see my gauges. Swam out past pipe reef 22'-24' to find some decent vis.

2nd was Alhambra
Seas- 1-2
Swam out to 22' to find any vis.
Vis was better at service club for some reason.

Pretty good day. Dugong ribs and whale bones, about 100 small teeth, a 1 inch meg and a well worn 2 1/2" Meg.
Dove out off the 3 big condos north of Sharkys.I wanna say about 1/4-1/2 mile out

Time: 11:30 - 3:30
# of dives: 2

1st. Dive

Viz: 10-12'
Temp: 80 sufface
77 At depth
No Drift Whale Snot....

2nd. Dive
Same Except Viz: 10'

overalll not bad dives got some nice teeth 4. 3" - 3 1/2" Partiial Megs in Great Shape.
When I get some pics Ill Get them on here.... :eyebrow:
Got out to the Boneyard with Capt. Jamie on the Aristakat yesterday. It was a great day above and below the water.

Water Temp: 80 Degrees
Seas: Calm
Winds: SE (I think) 5-10 knots
Visibility: About 10 feet

The sun was shining all day which made it easier to spot the teeth. Here are the results of the day.


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Thanks again krawdady for finding my dive knife. You totally ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Water Temp: 80 Degrees
Seas: 1-2
Winds: SE (I think) 5-10 knots
Visibility: About 10 feet
A couple of nice days for diving the boneyard!

Temps - 82-83
Vis - 10-15 mostly
no algae, snot or any other impedence

Winds from the south and west - maybe 5kts - not bad at all really

Found a few over the two days - some hemis, makos, and a pristine 1-3/4 inch meg that I had Jamie's wife wrap for me for a necklace.

That and the heartbreaker I found today - 5-1/8 split down the middle...


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Not Bad , Not Bad!
I was out Monday, 1/4-1/2 mile out service club
viz was only 10-12' so it sounds a little better.
Me and two others did 3 dives OMG......
We had a blast Heres some pic's of just the megs we found.
A few over 3" one over 4" and my buddy found a 5-5 1/2" er intact....
He showed it to me while we were under, and he only found it 3' from me...
IThat was a close one ...... :cool2:



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Date: May 27, 2009
Site Location: Service Club Park
Water Temp: 81-84F
Visibility: 10-15'
Tide state: outgoing
Wind: From the East
Surf: mild
Presence of drift algae: low. Some areas had a slight cloud, others had snot

I finished my full work schedule for the day by 2:00 PM and made the trip down to Service Club. I worked out to 20' depth and stayed to the north of the artificial reef pipes


624 teeth, nothing but bit parts on megs (win some, lose some... and some you get to win just because you got a chance to dive!)


Hmmm... What to fill up next...
dove off of alhambra today. West winds suck. 3' - 4' of vis until you hit 22' of water. Found 1 broken up meg and a few small teeth. I was planning on taking out the yak until I saw the surf.
temp 82
bot time 81 min
2-3' waves
Go away west winds!
Did I hear someone say west winds suck!!! OMG
2-3 ft waves
temp about 81
viz 6-8 about 30' bone yard
lots of whale snot
pictures on the way!!!

Seas 1'+ slight surge @ 20'
winds E switching W
vis 15' @ 20', 6'+ @ 15'
water temp 83
a lot of snot at all depths

Got a couple small megs that are worn, a descent 1/2 of a 5" meg, a 3/4 piece of mammoth tooth and several smaller chunks, couple horse teeth, and a skull of some sort.

It was nice to get back in the water after having a screwed up ear for 4 weeks.

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