Hi Katie,
We were not promoting anything by staying. It was, at that time one of the safest places on earth. We had other obligations at home that we wanted to tend to.
In hindsight we should have come early
I don't feel we made any gambles or bad decisions. In my opinion the state department, completely dropped the ball. Since we are talking government at this point, the government has completely dropped the ball on managing this entire pandemic. We were just a small part of it.
I will repeat something else: The Airlines are the real issue here, the State Department is secondary, but is quite culpable. The airlines just walked away from their passengers. To Katie's comment - we wanted the airlines to repatriate us from a 0 incident environment to one that was growing far quicker than most people knew. We were going from a country that was taking this very very seriously to one that was not - knda like running into a burning building - quite ironic don't you think!
Look, everyone has a different risk profile, and typically people who think they take fewer risks pass judgement on those who take they feel take more risks. Being someone who likes the occasional hit of adrenaline, I have seen this far to much. My view is that these folks passing judgement do it out of ignorance. They are acting out of to little information, or as shown here, a need to use hindsight to judge others - 'Monday morning quarterback' mentality, it's really unpleasant!
To put it in recognizable terms: a basic OW diver will look at someone who is doing deco dives as someone taking unnecessary risks. OTOH the deco diver understands the technology, realizes that there is some risk, and makes their own assessment. You can rest assured that if something goes wrong, anything, there will be a chorus of 'I told you so's'
Bottom line, for those of you who feel obligated to say this is a 'gamble' or an 'unnecessary risk', I respect your opinion, right up to the point where you start applying and judging others.
There are plenty of people who view your diving as dangerous and unnecessary, you on the other hand know better. You manage the risks AS YOU KNOW THEM...
So remember, the next time you are in the water and something goes wrong - it's your fault for taking unnecessary risks, but if I am there, I will be glad to help!