However, this virus was high on if not dominating the news cycle since early February. The potential for a pandemic was obvious back then. While the experts are discussing the actual numbers the potential for geometric growth was there.
Any responsible government should have had access to better data, more fully developed, researched and explained than did CNN.
It was clear to me that there would be some travel restrictions being put in place, I was a little surprised at how fast and how stringent some of these were but am still amazed that some places are operating normally.
I believe that it is the governments role to inform citizens of travel risks and take steps to assist travelers through information and limited logistical assistance but it is the responsibility of each individual to assess the risks and take responsibility for their own decisions.
In general, I am very happy with the response of the Government of Canada on this crisis. I get regular emails from them on travel restrictions and information on flights available etc. So far, no Government funded planes have flown to get private citizens out of here, but they did assist people getting flights from Puerto Princesa back to Manila to return to Canada. Logistical assistance, not financial assistance.
I am quoting your post and deleting anything that I am not referring to in order to make it easier to follow.
Feb 1 - 16,800 total cases. 16,600 of those cases were in China (98.8%) I disagree that the possibility for it to become a pandemic was obvious then. There were travel advisories put in(and at that time, pretty much just China) was not an indicator that it would lead to total travel bans and borders closing in many other countries (locking people in or out) at that time. You even said yourself, you were surprised at how fast and stringent some of these occurred. Most happened in March and within a very short time span.
I am not taking a political stance as I do not think it is relevant but I will say that I think the US government as a whole failed in addressing and preparing for what happened, even when it started to become an issue and there were warnings to when it actually arrived and was an issue. Suffice to say, I think the government of Canada is doing and has done a better job managing this disaster than the United States has.
I also want to reiterate something for everyone...none of these chartered flights where governments come to the rescue of those stranded are free. They are paid for and they are quite expensive, especially when you consider it is a one way fare, it is usually way more expensive than the original round trip ticket that these folks paid for to get where they were stranded. So, yes, they ARE taking responsibility for themselves financially. Some governments also provide temporary loans if needed.
With that said, I believe when you travel whether domestic or international, regardless of this situation at hand, you should always have enough money to hold you over in case things go wrong or in case of emergencies. Not being able to afford an extended stay (e.g., paying for food or lodging) due to circumstances beyond your control should not be the responsibility of the government, either, regardless of whether you left during "good times" or "bad times". It should be factored into the budget and as an emergency plan. Though, this one might be with an indefinite time period.....