Deep Dixie Diver Mega Trip to Key Largo WHEN Discussion Thread

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Memorial Day Weekend I'll be at Seagrove diving. So I know that if you guys do the trip then I'm out. However, depending on your other ideas I might be able to work something out. A liveaboard trip sounds cool. I can always drive to Florida and if someone else is willing I could use a dive buddy so maybe we could work something out and split gas money.
I've been diving since the 60's, certified 33 years, many a instructor rating and worked as a dive master since the 80's, a lot in Hawaii.

Known many a friend and diver that had died for various reason or become bent for dumber ones

The captain, will not and cannot leave the boat to save you.

The Dive masters work for tips,..they are not paid.

The first thing you are taught in Rescue, to make very sure, that you will not become a causilty or create a situation for two rescues.

noone is obligated to jump in and save your butt, give you CPR or anything else.

I've had charters try and buddy me up with a single person on the boat. Noway,.. If I do not know their abilities I will not be their buddy, .. they may get me killed.

I have no problem watching a dumb a__ die.

In 97 my wife and I were drift diving off Palm Beach. On the second back to back 60 for 60, I signaled her to come up, she refused, wanted to stay with the group with the computers. I surfaced alone. She later surfaced,..shortly after she became bent.

Sorry,...if I had stayed down, we both would have been bent.

Practice self rescue.

In fact there is a tread about a girl doing just that in the keys recently.
I'm not saying it's the captain's responsibility to make sure you don't do something stupid and die, i'm just saying that the service you get shouldn't be dependent on tips.

That said, I always tip the crew for a job well done, and i think it's deplorable not to. BUT I think the crew should be operating at their highest standard every time out, even if there is someone aboard who may not tip well.
Just like any other job,..they just want to get through the day. Some days they liek to be at work, others they don't feel well, have personnal prob lems etc. I've been on boats where I have had to take other instructors students down. The instructor was just sea sick that day, happens.

Like a cop at an auto accident,'s just another day at work.

I rememvber one time in Hawaii,..mid 80's. I was divemastering a night diver specialty at Sharks Cove for a shop out of K-bay.

When we got to the site,. they were bringing three dead marine divers out. they were jsut certified two weeks before. I knew and worked with the instructor that certified them often. He was then, 38 and very good. On this dive the three decided to go 175 feet into a cave with one light and no training on caves or cavern and two weeks under their belts.

I called the shop to let them know we would be late getting back. I was told that if they were still bringing bodies out, not to take the class in. The class were all experienced divers, they wanted to go. We had two great back to back night dives and some beers afterwards.

Like seeing that auto accident on the road, you slow down and look. It does not make you drive any better or get off the road. In fact your eyes are off the road trying to see something.

I've been called up to dive master boats. basically a free trip, normally always stiffed with no tips. I ws just there for the ride, dive, and because the caost gaurd requires x-number of crewman per passenger.

Getting back on topic though, everyone should chime in here on what they wanna do on this here shindig. So far it looks like there's some great suggestions, but not everyone is commenting.
Hey who hi-jacked the thread? Just to give a status update. I have requested information from a couple of shops so far, no responses yet, but you got to give a few days. I am shooting for arrival on Friday or Saturday with a departure either Monday or Tuesday (for those driving home). The drive down will be quick. The return trip for drivers will include stops along the way for dives.
A liveaboard is a totally different concept than boat diving in Key Largo, so I think that plan should surface on another thread. We have some people wanting to camp there way down and/or back, some wanting to just drive straight to the Keys. I say we set a date for a long up on Friday evening at the Keys, set up dives for Friday pm, Sat & Sun am and pm, and Monday am then head back. Divers can choose which dives and how many of those offered they want to do. We can set up easy reef dives and more advanced wreck dives. For those wanting to camp on the way down or back, they can just meet the rest at the designated location and time at the Keys. The camping is informal anyway at Springs and need not be formally planned, although campsite reservations would probably be needed. If we can get a head count on who wants to dive and when from Friday pm to Monday am in the Keys, we can contact a charter boat about group discounts. We also need everyone to say when would be the best time for them to go. I went to the Keys last summer and the summer before and did not have any trouble booking hotel rooms or boats. I actually went in July 2006 without prior boat reservations and had no problems getting charters. You're looking at around $60-$80 each per 2 tank boat dive furnishing your own equip and around $100 per room per night (up to four people). That should put us in the range Brandy was talking about..approx $700 per person, unless you dive every dive from Friday pm through Monday am.
Memorial Day Weekend I'll be at Seagrove diving. So I know that if you guys do the trip then I'm out. However, depending on your other ideas I might be able to work something out. A liveaboard trip sounds cool. I can always drive to Florida and if someone else is willing I could use a dive buddy so maybe we could work something out and split gas money.

We got plenty of folks going by or through Seagrove before and after Memorial Day. Current plan is to BE in Key Largo for Memorial Day! You can hitch a ride if you stand by hwy 98E with your dive gear and a sign saying "Scubaboard Mega Dive Trip"
I have some preliminary numbers from Horizon Dive in Key Largo. I have used them before and were happy with their service. The numbers go as follows: If we have a group of 6 or more, rides on the big boat, Cheeca View, go for $56 a person ($52 if you bring your own booted tank). They also have plenty of space right now on Cheeca View. There is a 6 pack boat that goes for $450 for the half day. Group organizer pays the bill.
The Ramada Limited is right next to the Dive Shop (and other dive places). Rates at the Ramada & due to it being the holiday weekend, are going to be $189.95 for the 26th, & $169.95 for the 27th & 28th. They are not full yet.

Assuming that you want to cram 4 people in a room (comes with breakfast), that rate could be split reasonably. I do not know what that rate is based on, but assume double occupancy with some minor additional charge additional adults in the same room. Yes Mat, you qualify as an Adult. That is about $150 for 3 nights (tax estimate included).

Now who is in? Show of hands now, don't be bashful!

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