Deep Dixie Diver Mega Trip to Key Largo WHEN Discussion Thread

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I've only got one problem with sharing a hotel room with 3 guys...I'M NOT!!!!!

So either get some more ladies to go or Brandy's daughter and I can sleep in one bedroom of the condo and the rest of you can fight over the other bed and the couch!
I've only got one problem with sharing a hotel room with 3 guys...I'M NOT!!!!!

So either get some more ladies to go or Brandy's daughter and I can sleep in one bedroom of the condo and the rest of you can fight over the other bed and the couch!

OK I am working on a lady to go with us; non-diver. She'll be in charge of guarding equipment and fixing frozen exotic drinks after the dives. I just need to purchase a 12vDC to AC converter to run the blender. She will drive her own car, spend her own money and safe-guard Denise. Trust me guys, you DON'T want to cross her!
OK I am working on a lady to go with us; non-diver. She'll be in charge of guarding equipment and fixing frozen exotic drinks after the dives. I just need to purchase a 12vDC to AC converter to run the blender. She will drive her own car, spend her own money and safe-guard Denise. Trust me guys, you DON'T want to cross her!

now I need to go! I can compliment that with the blender I've got. It runs off rechargeable cordless drill batteries. Great for making frozen drinks on the beach.
Has a date been set for this trip?:confused2
Nah...they're too busy trying to figure out the frozen drink issue
Has a date been set for this trip?:confused2

Hard to sift through it all but I'm pretty sure that Memorial day weekend is the date. Exact days TBD.
Right, the weekend in question is Memorial Day Weekend. Some of us will depart Friday morning by auto from Gulf Shores and make Largo by Saturday; some earlier and some later. Some will fly down Friday afternoon and have a few dives already by Saturday morning. I am thinking any organized group dives/charters will be done Sunday and possibly Monday depending on flights. Make Plans and Save Up!
Denise, I'm IN! You've always got a roomie in me. I just need to know when. I'm schedule for Belize - March 17 and Blackbeards December 22. I'd love to go anywhere anytime with all of you. Just let me know the time and place, I'm in. I'll probably fly in, because I travel like crazy and it's easier. Let me know. I'm in Corpus right now and bored out of my MIND! Navy jets keep flying over my head. That's the only cool part. Miss ya!
Denise, I'm IN! You've always got a roomie in me. I just need to know when. I'm schedule for Belize - March 17 and Blackbeards December 22. I'd love to go anywhere anytime with all of you. Just let me know the time and place, I'm in. I'll probably fly in, because I travel like crazy and it's easier. Let me know. I'm in Corpus right now and bored out of my MIND! Navy jets keep flying over my head. That's the only cool part. Miss ya!

Hey thanks for chiming in there. Well, if you are flying in chances are you will not be travelling with wild man Mat. Probably a good thing. Mat are you in?

So Far we have
Stuart (son of Howard)
Mat (son of .....)
Andy (son of Denise)
Brandy (plus 1?)

I don't take maybes on this list.

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