DAN Members, DAN Insurance, are you, do you?

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Could you really afford not to have it???
Member and insured by DAN.
How many of you are DAN members? And how many have DAN's dive insurance?
Just wanted to open up a discussion on this subject, as I was thinking about signing up.
Any input is welcome.

DAN member yes - DAN Insurance yes

I've got the DAN preferred policy. The extra coverage is worth it for the small amount they charge. This is a coordinated, secondary policy. That means that it only pays when there is no other coverage. If you have Blue Cross or some other insurance that might pay the claim it has to be used first before DAN kicks in. That's why the cost is so low. The preferred policy may cover other non-diving accidents but your other insurance may cover it as well. Get ready to prove to DAN that you don't have the other coverage when making a DAN claim.

It's best to reguard it as emergencey decompression insurance. It's not bad coverage for the price.

Disclaimer: Lawman has spent the last 35 years representing insurance companies in court, but not DAN.
Family DAN membership and Premium Insurance...never know when you want to dive deep:)

Finally inventoried our equipment so we could order our equipment insurance this week :)

Paul in VT
I have the PADI insurance, then after participating in a DAN research program, I was given DAN platinum. I'll stick with DAN in the future.

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