DAN Members, DAN Insurance, are you, do you?

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In the words of Ali G.: No doubt! (to both!)
I can't imagine diving without this insurance ( or something like it).

Its an insignificant cost when compared to the overall cost of diving.
It's an insignificant cost when compared to the overall cost of diving.

Or the cost of treatment!
How many of you are DAN members? And how many have DAN's dive insurance?
Just wanted to open up a discussion on this subject, as I was thinking about signing up.
Any input is welcome.

DAN? Don't leave home without it! (By the way, an Air Evac from Truk to Guam for a chamber ride is (cover your ears darling) $35,000! The the wheels don't leave the runway till they're sure of payment.)
I am soooooo glad I signed up. I will feel alot more secure knowing I am covered for these types of things, even if I hope not to have to exercise the ability.
Thanks all for your inputs.
There is something wrong with this thread. It appears that 100% of SB has DAN insurance.
What about hearing from people that chose other insurers or dive without insurance?
There is something wrong with this thread. It appears that 100% of SB has DAN insurance.
What about hearing from people that chose other insurers or dive without insurance?


Why do you think that there is something wrong with this thread? The title specifically asked about DAN and not any other dive insurance. And my guess, based on the emphatic endorsements posted here, is that most SBers without insurance would simply prefer not to advertise that fact.


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