Cozumel COVID-19 updates

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From the 30-April noon update:
                                 Previous  ->  Today
Q Roo Confirmed Cases                 711  ->  788
     Social Isolation                 105  ->  115
     Hospitalized                     135  ->  155
     Recovered                        362  ->  402
     Deaths                           109  ->  116
Q Roo Tests pending                   211  ->  174

     Confirmed Cases                   22  ->   23
     Recovered                         11  ->   11
     Deaths                             6  ->    6
Data from SESA Quintana Roo on Twitter
See post #147 for more information about how these numbers are generated and why they may seem low or the the percentages unusual.

Last night's post regarding expansion of the curfew to start at 4pm was premature. Even the US State Dept Consular Agent on the island was fooled, so it's understandable. That's not to say that it won't happen, only that there's been no official announcement. There's also some question about the legality of the curfew, that I'll address in a separate post.
We often speak of the differences between Mexico and [fill in the blank with your country]. But there are power struggles between federal, state, and local governments that will sound quite familiar to those from the USA. This is a recent Facebook post:

The Department of Interior (SEGOB) has written a couple of articles recently, identifying that there is some overreach in both state/local efforts to restrict movement, and establishments like supermarkets limiting access.

The first link is to an English-language news outlet that says the curfews and roadblocks are not legal. They appear to be referring to the second link which doesn't appear to be worded quite that strongly, but still says that state/local governments should not abridge peoples rights in the name of the emergency. The third link addresses access to businesses, such as supermarkets.

This isn't to say that such measures aren't effective in combating the outbreak, but they may be illegal. (This is not legal advice. I am not a lawyer anywhere, and certainly not in Mexico!)…/

The next two links are in Spanish; Google Translate does a reasonable job, or you can copy/paste to…/exhorta-gobernacion-a-autoridades-esta……/discriminatorio-limitar-acceso-a-perso…
Believe whatever you like. QRoo (and especially Cozumel) has minimal testing and very few test kits to distribute. And the government has a vested interest in making sure the public numbers stay low.
Believe whatever you like. I prefer to be informed by facts, not hyperbole.
jesus, are you serious?
Yes, and don't call me Jesus (that's a joke). Unless you indicate somehow that you are being sarcastic or jocular, how are we supposed to know? There are plenty of people out there who seriously believe that this will somehow all go away soon and in a month or so we will all be back to what was normal in the before times.
This whole method of informing the public about this rule, that rule is something to behold - at times making it a difficult environment to live in.This is in follow up to last nights post about curfew changes etc.... This comes from the Municipal President of Cozumel - notes from his daily press conference.

The Cozumel Sunto The Cozumel Sun
1 hr ·
Important Cozumel Update
At one this afternoon President Pedro Joaquin addressed the people of Cozumel via his Facebook Page.
I will start with the new mandates;
The ONLY stores that are to be open are those selling food. They will effective tomorrow close by 4 pm. Until further notice.
Restaurants Delivery and take out only until 4 pm
Health Care Providers NO CHANGE
The Curfew Starts at 5 pm tomorrow, making it from 5 pm until 5 am until further notice.
The above will be reviewed on Monday, the numbers will determine how long this will continue. There will be no food distribution until next week.
In truth, HE WANTS NO ONE IN THE STREETS AT ALL MAY 1, 2, 3, 4. He prefers that you do not shop or go out for any reason. He believes if in these four days we stay in, we can put a stop to the spread of COVID-19 on the island and can then start planning and implementing our economic recovery.
HE DOES NOT WANT TO SEE ANYONE OUT EXERCISING, DOING ANYTHING! The only people in transition should be the health care workers going back and forth to work.
He is prepared to heavily fine and imprison for 36 hours anyone in violation of the mandates!
Non-essential businesses will be fined and face the possibility of losing their license either temporarily or permanently. Possible arrest and held for up to 36 hours. They should have been closed now since April 30th; he will take severe harsh actions against violators.
He started out by reviewing the existing restrictions and mandates. No one out without face masks, only one person in a vehicle, do not drive a vehicle without plates, do not congregate, etc.
Several minutes were spent describing the food distribution program and praising the volunteers.
In the question & answer segment someone asked if tourists were still being allowed in the island. He explained the airport unfortunately was federal and nothing could be done to stop the planes from arriving. But he ensured us that on the few flights coming in there are no tourist.
He stated the tourist that we see are here opted to stay here in their summer homes. Hotel occupancy was so low it was not worth mentioning.
He stressed that his decision was hard to make; he stated he knows it is drastic and harsh. He knows that the directives are unpopular, but his concern is for the health and safety of the people of Cozumel. He begged, STAY HOME over the next few days so we can make it over this last stretch and win this battle! Cozumel Strong!!!
I'm bored - I scrolled thru Pedro's Facebook page and collected the data he gives out as official data every day. A few notes, there are three days of data missing and remember the government is saying to multiply these numbers by nine. Sometimes when you see data everyday with maybe just a comparison to the previous day, it's hard to judge where you've been and where you might be going...... Seems we've been pretty steady trudging along down here...




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From the 1-May noon update:
                                 Previous  ->  Today
Q Roo Confirmed Cases                 788  ->  825
     Social Isolation                 115  ->  127
     Hospitalized                     155  ->  169
     Recovered                        402  ->  411
     Deaths                           116  ->  118
Q Roo Tests pending                   174  ->  154

     Confirmed Cases                  23  ->   23
     Recovered                        11  ->   11
     Deaths                            6  ->    6
Data from SESA Quintana Roo on Twitter
See post #147 for more information about how these numbers are generated and why they may seem low or the the percentages unusual.

As was alluded to in yesterday's post, the curfew start time has now, officially, been advanced to 5pm. All businesses except healthcare must close by 4pm. The mayor's statement says, "until further notice", although there is some speculation that there was an interest in cracking down this weekend in particular.

This weekend would be (1) end of the month pay day; (2) federal holiday for "Workers Day" or what might be called Labor Day or May Day elsewhere, and (3) the Cedral festival. Combined, these would in ordinary times be events with large gatherings. Not the kind of thing the government wants to encourage right now.

There have been reports of violence against medical personnel treating SARS-COV-2 patients. Apparently some people have been led to believe that the clinics and medical staff are the cause of the deaths, not the virus.
I just posted this in the other thread: I just received a cancellation for my flight June 7. (Sun Country DFW to CZM)
There have been reports of violence against medical personnel treating SARS-COV-2 patients. Apparently some people have been led to believe that the clinics and medical staff are the cause of the deaths, not the virus.
Attacking the heroes?! How sad. Too bad there wasn't praise for the medical pros in the announcement.

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