As Don pointed out, mandatory smallpox and polio vaccinations are responsible for those of us 70 and younger not ever having to worry about those diseases.Given my understanding of flu vaccines,(specifically, their mutability) it won't be a cure AT ALL. It'll be yet another excuse to inject us with whatever they've been so hell-bent on injecting us with, for years now. While visiting a relative in the hospital, numerous times in the last few years, I noticed that they almost constantly had a nurse making the rounds, offering free flu vaccinations, to any and everyone that would accept it. Once I stopped her and asked a few simple,reasonable questions, concerning some of the well known concerns with these vaccinations, from negative side effects, to the fact that whatever they were made to combat, has long since mutated into another variant, making the vaccine virtually useless. Well, damned if she didn't sheepishly nod her head in agreement with every single point !!!!!
And she was at a loss to explain the huge campaign to get us all injected, but given the reality that they are, I've predicted for years that they were eventually going to come up with an excuse to force everyone to accept their injections, which predictably usually got me dismissive pats on the head for being a "paranoid conspiracy buff". Yet, here we are, quite likely on the thresh hold of exactly that. Forced,mandated, vaccinations. And most people are happy to get in line, because 'the experts' have such a stellar history of integrity and accuracy. (sarcasm off).