Chuck, can you easily calculate and graph the change in new cases day to day? That's something we don't get directly in the daily updates and it would help visualize if we're really following the bell curve.
I added a few data points - the percentage of positive cases increased from day to day and the 7 day average of the percentage of positive case increase - It's based on Q Roo numbers in whole - Cancun is definetly leading our problem here.
I'm no statistician, to me it doesn't look like we are getting better, we are staying sorta steady. I tried looking at Texas daily positive case increases, seems that they are opening up, how do they look compared to us - they were in the 2% range but who knows their testing and reporting verses ours. One thing, it does appear our test results are happening faster than at the beginning......
Here's a picture of the graph, I'll attach the spreadsheet with all the numbers too. It's alot easier to read the numbers if you open the spreadsheet.