that everyone who works for them is a saint able to walk (without flotation devices) on the most troubled waters, but, as soon as they leave Aldora, they become "luciferized" demons, agents of the devil, who, from the instant of their departure, have become aggressive wild men who have set out to lible, defame, maim and destroy Aldora and all segments of the dive community and are, thus, unsafe and unprofessional boatmen and divemasters.
I, too, know personally the owners and staff of LB, and I have dived with them enough to know that your perception of the event must be somehow flawed. Water doesn't flow uphill, and leopards don't change their spots. The commitment to safety and strict adherence to the highest standards of safety and considerateness that LB has shown are undisputed and undoubted in all of Cozumel except within Aldora's curtilege.