Dear Mark IV,
Lots of people died there and more will with your comments. That is the first part but we just ,in the interest of scientific exploration we loaned you high pressure steel tanks only to see them all scratched up and near worthless for our normal diving. Those tanks cost us $450 each and I don't guess you saw them as anything but play toys for your adventures. I'm glad you enjoyed that and survived, but you are nuts to invite others to enjoy the same stupid risks.
Dave Dillehay
Aldora Divers
WTF,dude ????? I don't even know where to begin with this bizarrely bitter rant.
First off, all that cave diving I mentioned occured like TWENTY years ago, so you can stop seething and gritting your teeth
any time now, LOL!!! And, scratched tanks are not "near worthless for normal diving", (ever take a look at
all the other tanks on the island?) and I'm pretty sure we never thrashed your tanks, because doing so would've also done it to our own gear, and we were always careful not to damage the system's formations.
And, we weren't secretive in the least about what we were doing with the tanks. (and as I recall, the little painted blue part on the top of the tanks, were already scratched up, presumably from people doing all those "normal" dives, scraping and banging through the
truly restrictive sea caves at Palancar,Punta Sur,etc.)
Also, people have died in cave systems all over the world, and the
vast majority of them did so simply because they were not properly trained or equipped for it.
And, I wasn't encouraging un-trained divers to go get killed in Aerolito, I was just saying that it was a very nice cave system once you got past the admittedly narrow and sketchy cavern zone, but you seem to have some sort of irrational hate-on for cave diving (or just the ones on Cozumel, I dunno).
Anyway, just take a deep breath and relax,man, it's all good bro, we're just shooting the breeze here,
that's all, I'm sure the island isn't going to run low on body bags due to my "irresponsible" comments !