CMAS is not outdated. And the ISO standards are total BS anyway.
Why? Because the ones who came up with the standards are the agencies. Not an independent body of experts.
Unlike the Aerospace/Defense industry, my company does a lot of work for it, and we get audited every year. It is very easy to lose accreditation and customers. Too many violations can put a company out of business.
When was the last time any SCUBA agency was audited by an ISO-certified independent auditor, and where are the results?
I'm an ASD(Aero Space Defense)/ISO Internal Auditor and have participated in a dozen or more over the years. Yes, I work for my company and am one of the people overseeing compliance.
But, my and my colleagues' results are gone over with a fine tooth comb by an independent auditor. If we miss or overlook something they will find it. And that could be worse than them just finding an issue on their own because it looks like a coverup.
ISO Standards for scuba certification are a joke because they are weak, and "breaking" them results in zero consequences for anyone.
Same as the RSTC and WRSTC. All of these are marketing gimmicks to fool the suckers and rubes into thinking they guarantee any measure of safety or quality.