BP/Wings: Why aren't they offered to first time purchasers??

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N. of Dallas, TX
Looking back over our discussion in the "Zeagle 911" thead and reflecting on my experience with gear purchases is making me wonder why BP/Wing systems are almost never brought up as a choice by the average LDS when a "new" diver is making their first BC purchase.

Anyone want to venture as to what the reason is?
A BP/wing combo isn't really a great deal for a shop. If they sold all of their new students these BC's, what would they upgrade them to? The plate will never wear out, the webbing costs a $1 a foot to replace when it wears out and can be found at any shop. A quality wing, like the Halcyon, will last a really long time and not need much maintenance. At best, the shop could look forward to some (very few) upgrading to a bigger wing for tech diving.

Nah, shops want to sell low range (not necessarily cheaper either) stuff to their new students and upgrade their customers every few years. Efficient gear purchases are not really in their best financial interest. Some people are bound to get on here and say things like they'll float you face down and they don't look as purdy :), but it's all baseless. My wife is getting certified, and she wants the BP/wing already.

One must consider the motives of the dive shops when asking about gear. It really doesn't matter to them how efficient a piece of gear is or the simplicity it offers. They aren't thinking about it's adaptability or how it may affect your joy in the water. They want to sell you something that will last a while and try to get you into a mindset that wants to buy the "latest and greatest" thing out there. They are salesmen first.

Take care.


PS. Of course, I have to throw in a disclaimer before I get burnt and say that not all shops and personnel are truly greedy :).
i totally agree with you on that
You also forgot that some people want all the do-dads. They want to look like a floating dive shop under the water. The more toys, the better the dive attitude.
It is to bad that divers are not offered backplates and harness!! I think it has something to do with geography! There is certainly more technical diving in the great lakes, east coast, and florida. I'm glad that my lds had sold me a transpac which i own two bladders for, a travel wing and classic for doubles. Works great !!

Now i have a backplate to finish my rig off properly, Students should be offerd this combo for pure simplicity but it may not be attractive to your carribbean/tropical single tank diver (even though we all no the benefis of a dir system).. My LDS does offer this to our newly cert. divers :clapping:,

Although diving and gear purchasing are experience oriented activities sometimes it will take a few try's to get it right:D


Is the BP/Harness/Wing really the best for the casual rec. diver?

That aside, most of the LDS in the greater Seattle area do not stock nor do their teachers dive BP/Wing systems...
Is the BP/Harness/Wing really the best for the casual rec. diver?

IF my wings and harness EVER GET HERE (note growing annoyance) I plan on doing a good bit of writing on the subject. I will try and answer that very question.

I am in the "Rec" diver category, with caviar dreams of getting deeper and longer with time.

Hopefully I will be able to put into words all of the questions that I had/have and answer them after diving with the BP/Wings.
I am that new diver, and I agree 100% with LYooper. I think the bp/wings is much, much easier to dive than standard bcs. I feel so much more unencumbered, like eating a York Peppermint Patty, but that is for different board.

I think the bp/wings is by far the best setup for the casual diver. It is also the smallest packing bc for travel.

It is the only recreational bc that serious cave divers use! ha ha

Originally posted by Windknot
I am in the "Rec" diver category, with caviar dreams of getting deeper and longer with time.

Windy One...
You are not the casual rec. diver.... :D
Is not in my vocabulary.

Ok....how about saying...I'm the wound up, type-A, gotta make you laugh, story telling, beer swillin', hairy backed, in-your-face-if-you-are-in-mine, woman lovin', fly-tying, rod smithing, gotta buy the best 'cause it IS the best kind of guy.

But...sadly...my tech dreams are still just that....but when it comes time for the Buddah to go DEEEEEEEEEEP.....He shall, and then all will be good on the Earth.

Did that sound a little too......self serving?

Eh' what the heck....

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