BP/Wings Users -- Who has what?

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You know, i have heard that about the new halcyon wing with the STA built in. However i dohave one and i dont have any problem with stablity or straping the tank on. Although i wish the tank straps rings were closed instead of the open ones they have now.
I have as follows
D-R SS bp with DIR harness
D-R Classic wing
OMS dual bladder 100# wing.

The more I use the OMS wing the more I like it. It is far better made than the D-R, and with proper adjustment (in other words, read the instructions) no more difficult to orally inflate than the Dive Rite.

My only gripe is that the hoses are too long. Fortunately OMS has a short hose kit.

To be honest, I've not had a problen with any of my OMS gear. But then, I take time to learn how to use and maintian it.

In aknowlegement to the fact that steel stage/deco bottles are used in some parts of the world, Halcyon has introduced a 75-80 # lift wing.

I'd go OMS

Dive safe
Greetings Fred,

Been awhile since I've talked to ya. My buddy's plate was perfect all summer, and he says thanks. :thumb:

Take care.

Yo Fred,

Got to give the heavy backplate a whirl in the caves in Mexico last week. Worked great and didn't have to mess with big V weights.


Here's a new one for the Americans - Custom Diver TDB, and it really lives up to it's name

I've heard of it. My buddy wants to carry it, and Alex Vassalo said they should be ready to ship to the US by Jan, just in time to debut at DEMA.

My Brit buddies love the stuff.

Dive safe
Finally got the Custom Divers web site thanks to Diver magazine - pretty obvious when you know it but I tried all sorts of combinations but:


I guess I forgot it was Divers and not Diver - doh!


When are you guys going to get the hint. :wink: When I would want to find something, I would check out the largest, most complete archive on the web for such things.

All you had to do to find it is run a simple search for "custom" at Scuba Directory and it's right there in the "C"s.

Boy, I am starting to feel like a broken record. (hehe)
Dive Rite Transpac for pool and minimalist
Dive Rite Al BP for flying to Mex
Dive Rite SST BP for everyday diving
Dive Rite Travel Wing for Transpac
Dive Rite Rec wing, sans Bungees, for doubles
Halcyon Pioneer 27# for singles on Al & SST bps
Halcyon 20# weight Pockets for Aluminum plate/travel
Halcyon 30# weight Pockets for drysuit diving

Note on "new" 27# wing: has the slots, dont care for them, the whole thing isn't stable enough, so added Fred T 2 piece STA. It grips like a pit bull on steroids. Dive Rite STA goes on Ebay soon.
In my future, I see...

Fred T Heavy (Dive Rite SST Plate goes on Ebay)
Halcyon Explorer Wing for Doubles (Hello EBay on the DR)

To demonstrate my feeling that Halcyon is superior on wings, I get the Dive Rite on a wholesale/key man discount and pay full retail for Halcyon, and it's worth it, cause I'm worth it.

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