BP/Wings Users -- Who has what?

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Problem with the stainless screws they supply is that they don't stay tight. I did all of mine up pretty tight with a quarter as a screwdriver, and after the first dive half of them had still come loose, and one was missing! They don't tighten well at all - the threads on the flange "nut", and the bolt, seems to spin too freely, and the only grip on them is when they bottom out.

Just my opinion. Anyway I've taken the padding off until I buy a liftbag.
Just use zip ties to hold it on. I got rid of mine last year because I didn't particulary care for having the lift bag in there anyway.

Screw the SS bolt into the barrel nut....
Go after it (gently at first) with an electical connector crimper....
Test...crimp harder if need be....

And Yooper... what didn't you like about putting your bag back there???
It just bugged the heck out of me being in the center of my back. I gave it an honest try for a whole season, but just didn't like it there. I carry my bag in two loops of bungie on the right side of the plate (under my right armpit). I can get at it with either hand; it's not an entanglement hazzard or causing any drag; and it doesn't interfere with any part of the system. This could be one of the areas where I am not quite DIR compliant -- I don't know.

Originally posted by Lost Yooper
It just bugged the heck out of me being in the center of my back.
I didn't like mine there either until I started folding it a different way... now I don't even feel it... I can pull it out with ease and of course it is no in the way.... Before I used to roll it up and put it in my right thigh pocket (Shane still does because he can put a Halcyon plate pock on his Scott Kolin BP.) Having it in the thigh pocket was a REAL pain.

If you are interested in how to fold and stuff it let me know.
I gave my pocket away when I sold my other BP/Rec Wing a few years ago. I might get my wife the pocket/pad for her plate.


UP, check your e-mail.
Originally posted by Stephen Ash
Please, do tell!
Steve... since Yooper ditched his pocket I'll just tell you...

This is for a Halcyon 70# bag... but would work for any...
Lay bag on flat surface with all gas and water out of it...
Dump and inflator side up...
Fold lengthwise to cover inflator and dump....
Fold other side length wise overlapping first fold...
Bag is now 4~5" wide and full length....
Lay your arm down on bag with fingers pointing toward top....
Fold top of bag down over your hand to below your wrist....
Take folded bag and stuff it up into pocket leaving enough hanging out that you can clip it off on your butt ring...
To deploy the bag you reach around between your light canister and your BP (leave enough room for this) and grab the bag and pull it out...
Unclip it after it is out or before - your choice.
Can't get to bag?
1. Leave more sticking out...
2. Leave enough room between light and plate to fit arm...
3. Practice.

Folded and stuffed this way the bag is very easy to deploy and the Dump valve and inflator don't dig into you back and it won't come out accidently.

(now don't you wish you had kept the pocket Yooper)

BTW if anyone else wants to throw there pocket away - throw it at me cause I need one for my other backplat. :D
Wings ...here a hot topic.

I use OMS double bladder 100# lift wings.
I love the way they tuck down out of the way, I use very little air in them at depth. so they seem to have very little drag

I use a SS backplate, with hole drilled along the side and bottom
on the bottom is were i keep my lift back in a little pouch
the side I mount my argon bottle
i told you this topic was bound to raise its ugly head soon.
it was just a matter of time

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