Blacktip firmware modifications

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Hi guys, I'm reading all the comments and am excited to look at updating my BT with the 2.3 release for the cruise control and jump etc.

I have the 002 serial unit using George 0.4 and I'm happy about the files to use - but I wanted to ask about the USB connection to the unit. Does anyone have any advice on how to open the tail and what cables are needed to attach to the unit?

Many thanks
Hi, not sure, because in GitHub - bwoodill/BT_VESC: VESC firmware for Blacktip DPV with added features. This firmware allows current levels to be set higher than recommended by the manufacturer which could result in damage to the motor. Please be careful if increasing limits is wroted: (Warning If your scooter's serial number is HIGHER than "001-2700", this firmware is not compatible.)

I have to 002-61xx SN scooter and when i have flash "BLDC_4_BT_VESC_2.2.bin" from my friend shared without this info ower messenger i got a 4 dots on led display and scooter does nothing.

I not want to brick my ESC :(....

i was lucky that he went to return the original georg v0.4 firmware from the official DX site

I'm quite curious if it could be used if the information on the main github page is not old.

otherwise, instructions on how to get to the usb for flashing are directly on the DX website.

yesterday, when I upgraded it, I disassembled the scooter, removed 4 screws, flipped the plate, removed the rubber from the usb connector (micro-usb), connected the cable. But for this to work, you need to connect power from the main tube.
Then it was possible to flash ESX normally, it just didn't do anything.

Actually, I don't have the "balls" to try again.
I flashed the original Georg v.04 and turned off safe start.

maybe the author could elaborate.
FW is only compatible up to version SN: 001-2700

Hi Jan I had the same confusion. You're probably looking at the wrong branch for your hardware version. Take a look at answer provided here.


thanks! Did you try it to apply this FW to 002-6x firmware ?
I don't have the courage to try it anymore. I would hate to make a paperweight out of it.
i can confirm.
serial starting with 001-**** is with a 50amp Vesc from Flysky V4 and uses diveextras firmwares Fred 1.15 1.18 and 1.19

the serial 002-***** is a 70amp Vesc from Flysky with V6.7 and totally another model and therefor the firmware are not cross compatible and 002-**** serial use george Firmware 4.0.

And yes, Vesc needs to be powerup in order to be able to change settings or flash another firmware.
This is also with other ESC for Drones and RC cars as you can get esc's in every sizes and amps for brushless motors.

hope this enlightens some for you guys :wink:
While watching the YouTube video on how to upgrade, they show a USB cable just sitting there, I don't have that on my newer model. Do I have to remove the plate to get access to the USB port?

If mine were a newer one like that, I would try to find a short micro-USB to female USB-A extension cable (like my older BT came with), that I could install and leave in the scooter and sticking out from under that plate, so I didn't have to remove that plate every time I wanted to mess with the firmware or settings.

I made changes to mine several times before finally setting on what I like best.
Does anyone have a link to a good cable which can be left in? I've seen some posts about having trouble finding something which fits.
on new version Vesc the usb connector is 90° different angle so the usb cable has not enough place to be inserted while Vesc is in mounted place in dpv
Ben, any word on which Flipsky ESC they are using on the new 2024 Bluetooth model? I see a V6 bluetooth module that does plug into the mini 6.7 Pro, however, the led display is plugged into the pins that would be used for coms... did they remap the in/outputs to different pins? Is that the SPI/IIC/UART selection for port 3?

There is a second com port in some 6.7 models that would accept a Bluetooth module, but I don't see that 6 pin port in the version of VESC in my 2-3xxx model scooter.


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